- monophthong
/mon"euhf thawng', -thong'/, n. Phonet.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Monophthong — Mon oph*thong, n. [Gr. ? with one sound; mo nos alone + ? sound, voice.] 1. A single uncompounded vowel sound. [1913 Webster] 2. A combination of two written vowels pronounced as one; a digraph. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monophthong — [män′əf thôŋ΄] n. [< Gr monophthongos, of or with one sound < monos, single (see MONO ) + phthongos, a sound, voice] a simple vowel sound during the utterance of which the vocal organs remain in a relatively unchanging position, as (ä),… … English World dictionary
Monophthong — Ein Monophthong (v. griech. monos „allein“ und phthóngos „Laut“) ist ein einfacher Vokal ohne Veränderung der Qualität (z. B. u , a ) im Gegensatz zu Diphthongen (z. B. au , ei ). Monophthonge können hinsichtlich ihrer Quantität… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Monophthong — A monophthong (Greek monóphthongos[1] from mónos single and phthóngos sound ) is a pure vowel sound, one whose articulation at both beginning and end is relatively fixed, and which does not glide up or down towards a new position of… … Wikipedia
monophthong — n. single vowel sound. ♦ monophthongal, a. ♦ monophthongize, v.t. pronounce as monophthong … Dictionary of difficult words
monophthong — noun Etymology: Late Greek monophthongos single vowel, from Greek mon + phthongos sound Date: 1616 a vowel sound that throughout its duration has a single constant articulatory position • monophthongal adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Monophthong — См. monottongo … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
monophthong — См. monottongo … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
monophthong — noun A vowel (in the sense of a sound rather than a letter of the alphabet) that has the same sound throughout its pronunciation, such as the short vowels in pap , pep , pip , pop and pup , as opposed to a diphthong (eg, /aɪ/, the vowel in pipe ) … Wiktionary
Monophthong — Mo|no|phthọng auch: Mo|noph|thọng 〈m. 1; Sprachw.〉 einfacher Vokal; Ggs Diphthong; → Lexikon der Sprachlehre [zu grch. monophthongos „eintönig“] * * * Mo|no|ph|thọng, der; [e]s, e [griech. monóphthoggos, eigtl. = allein tönend, zu: phthóggos … Universal-Lexikon