- monocarpic
producing fruit only once and then dying.[1840-50; MONOCARP + -IC]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Monocarpic — plants are those that flower, set seeds and then die. Other terms with the same meaning are hapaxanth and semelparous. The term was first used by Alphonse de Candolle. The antonym is polycarpic, a plant that flowers and sets seeds many times… … Wikipedia
Monocarpic — Mon o*car pic, Monocarpous Mon o*car pous, a. [Mono + Gr. ? fruit: cf. F. monocarpe.] (Bot.) Bearing fruit but once, and dying after fructification, as beans, maize, mustard, etc. [1913 Webster] Note: Annual and biennual herbs are monocarpic, so… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monocarpic — [män΄ō kär′pəsmän΄ōkär′pik] adj. [ MONO + CARPIC] bearing fruit only once, and then dying: said of annuals, biennials, and some long lived plants, as the bamboos and century plants: also monocarpous [män΄ō kär′pəs] … English World dictionary
monocarpic plant — monokarpinis augalas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Augalas, kuris žydi ir dera tik vieną kartą per gyvenimą, o po to dažniausiai sunyksta. atitikmenys: angl. monocarpic plant rus. монокарпическое растение … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
monocarpic — adjective Etymology: probably from New Latin *monocarpicus, from mon + carpicus carpic Date: 1849 bearing fruit but once and then dying … New Collegiate Dictionary
monocarpic — adjective (of a plant) That flowers and bears fruit only once before dying … Wiktionary
monocàrpic — mo|no|càr|pic Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
monocarpic — adj. bearing fruit and flowering one time and then dying (Botany) mÉ‘nəʊ kÉ‘rpɪk / mÉ’nəʊ kÉ‘Ëpɪk … English contemporary dictionary
monocarpic — [ˌmɒnə(ʊ) kα:pɪk] adjective Botany (of a plant) flowering only once and then dying. Origin C19: from mono + Gk karpos fruit + ic … English new terms dictionary
monocarpic — mono·car·pic … English syllables