
/mong"geuh liz'euhm, mon"-/, n. (sometimes cap.) Pathol.
(no longer in technical use) Down syndrome.
[1895-1900; MONGOL + -ISM]

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  • mongolism — MONGOLÍSM s.n. Boală congenitală care se datoreşte prezenţei unui cromozom suplimentar şi care se caracterizează prin debilitate mintală şi printr un facies de tip mongoloid (2). – Din fr. mongolisme. Trimis de LauraGellner, 04.06.2004. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Mongolism — Obsolete name for Down syndrome. Down syndrome refers to the 19th century English physician J. Langdon Down who described the condition in 1866. In great error, Langdon Down attributed the condition to a reversion to the mongoloid race. He held… …   Medical dictionary

  • mongolism — mongol, mongolism, mongoloid terms formerly used for sufferers of what is now called Down s syndrome, are considered offensive and should be avoided …   Modern English usage

  • mongolism — Mongol ► NOUN 1) a person from Mongolia. 2) (mongol) offensive a person with Down s syndrome. DERIVATIVES mongolism noun (offensive ). USAGE The term mongol was adopted in the late 19th century to refer to a person suffering from Down s syn …   English terms dictionary

  • mongolism — noun Date: 1900 sometimes offensive Down syndrome …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • mongolism — See Down s syndrome …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • mongolism — noun Down syndrome …   Wiktionary

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