- monaural
—monaurally, adv./mon awr"euhl/, adj.2. of, pertaining to, or affecting one ear.[1885-90; MON- + AURAL2]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
monaural — monaural, ale, aux [ mɔnɔral, o ] adj. • 1951; de mon(o) et du lat. auris « oreille » 1 ♦ Acoust. ⇒ monophonique. 2 ♦ Physiol. Relatif à une seule oreille (en tant qu organe de l audition). ● monaural, monaurale, monauraux adjectif (du latin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
monaural — mon*au ral (m[o^]n*[^o]r al), a. 1. Having or hearing with only one ear. [PJC] 2. Same as {monophonic}[2]. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monaural — [zu lateinisch auris »Ohr«], 1) nur ein Ohr, das Gehör auf einer Seite betreffend; 2) über nur einen Kanal laufend (Tonaufnahme und wiedergabe bei Schallplatten, Tonbändern u. Ä.). * * * mo|nau|ral <Adj.> [zu griech. mónos = einzeln,… … Universal-Lexikon
monaural — [män ôr′əl] adj. [ MON + AURAL2] designating or of sound reproduction in which only one source of sound is used, giving a monophonic effect monaurally adv … English World dictionary
Monaural — Label for 1.0 sound, mono. Monaural or monophonic sound reproduction (often shortened to mono) is single channel. Typically there is only one microphone, one loudspeaker, or (in the case of headphones and multiple loudspeakers) channels are fed… … Wikipedia
monaural — Monophonic Mon o*phon ic, a. [Mono + Gr. ? a voice.] 1. (Mus.) Single voiced; having but one part; as, a monophonic composition; opposed to {polyphonic}. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or relating to a system for recording and reproducing sound, which has… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monaural — adjective a) of, relating to, affecting, or designed for use with one ear <monaural deafness> b) monophonic … Wiktionary
monaural — Pertaining to one ear. [mono + L. auris, ear] * * * mon·au·ral ( )mä nȯr əl adj of, relating to, affecting, or designed for use with one ear <monaural hearing aid systems> mon·au·ral·ly ə lē adv * * * mon·au·ral (mon awґrəl) [mon +… … Medical dictionary
monaural — adj m y f 1 Que se produce por la estimulación de un solo oído 2 Tratándose de grabaciones de sonido, que suena por una sola bocina o que suena de la misma manera en cualquier bocina; monofónico: un disco monaural … Español en México
Monaural beats — are used for brainwave entrainment in which two tones which would be used binaural beats are played in each channel resulting in a stronger stimulus.[citation needed] With monaural beats, the interference pattern that produces the b … Wikipedia
monaural — adjective Date: 1931 monophonic 2 • monaurally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary