Monandrous — Mo*nan drous, a. (Bot.) Of or pertaining to the monandria; having but one stamen. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monandrous — [mō nan′drəs, mənan′drəs] adj. [Gr monandros, having one husband: see MON & ANDROUS] 1. of or characterized by monandry 2. having only one stamen, as some flowers … English World dictionary
Monandrous — In botanical terms, monandrous simply means to have a single stamen. In orchids A distinction between monandrous and other flowers is particularly relevant in the classification of orchids. The monandrous orchids form a clade[1] consisting of the … Wikipedia
monandrous — /məˈnændrəs/ (say muh nandruhs) adjective 1. having only one husband at a time. 2. of or characterised by monandry: the monandrous system. 3. Botany a. (of a flower) having only one stamen. b. (of a plant) having such flowers. {Greek monandros… …
monandrous — adjective a) Having only one stamen in each flower. b) Having only one male sexual partner over a period of time … Wiktionary
monandrous — mo·nan·drous … English syllables
monandrous — adjective having only one husband at a time • Similar to: ↑monogamous • Derivationally related forms: ↑monandry … Useful english dictionary
-androus — comb. form Bot. forming adjectives meaning having specified male organs or stamens (monandrous). Etymology: mod.L f. Gk andros f. aner andros male + OUS * * * |andrəs, |aan adjective combining form Etymology: New Latin andrus, from Greek andros… … Useful english dictionary
mo|nan|drous — «muh NAN druhs», adjective. 1. having only one husband at a time; characterized by monandry: »a monandrous society. 2. having only one stamen: »a monandrous flower. 3. having such flowers: »a monandrous plant. ╂[< Greek mónandros (with English … Useful english dictionary
Taxonomy of the Orchidaceae — The taxonomy of the orchid family has evolved slowly during the last 150 years, starting with Carolus Linnaeus who in 1753 recognized eight genera. De Jussieu recognized the Orchidaceae as a separate family in 1789. Olof Swartz recognized 25… … Wikipedia