
moderatorial /mod'euhr euh tawr"ee euhl, -tohr"-/, adj.moderatorship, n.
/mod"euh ray'teuhr/, n.
1. a person or thing that moderates.
2. a person who presides over a panel discussion on radio or television.
3. a presiding officer, as at a public forum, a legislative body, or an ecclesiastical body in the Presbyterian Church.
4. Physics. a substance, as graphite or heavy water, used to slow neutrons to speeds at which they are more efficient in causing fission.
[1350-1400; ME < L moderator, equiv. to modera(ri) to control (see MODERATE) + -tor -TOR]

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  • moderator — MODERATÓR, OÁRE, moderatori, oare, s.m. şi f., s.n., adj. 1. s.m. şi f., adj. (Element) care moderează, ponderează, frânează, potoleşte. 2. Persoană care conduce o dezbatere, de obicei, publică, o masă rotundă, o emisiune cu mai mulţi… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Moderator — Mod er*a tor, n. [L.: cf. F. mod[ e]rateur.] 1. One who, or that which, moderates, restrains, or pacifies. Sir W. Raleigh. [1913 Webster] Angling was . . . a moderator of passions. Walton. [1913 Webster] 2. The officer who presides over an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • modèrātor — (moderȃtor) m (modèratorica ž) 1. {{001f}}onaj koji upravlja nekim skupom na kojem se sučeljavaju stručna, politička i sl. mišljenja 2. {{001f}}fiz. sredstvo koje u nuklearnim reaktorima usporava brze neutrone koji nastaju u nuklearnim procesima… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • moderator — (n.) late 14c., ruler, governor, from L. moderator manager, ruler, director, lit. he who moderates, from moderatus (see MODERATE (Cf. moderate) (adj.)). Meaning one who acts as an umpire is from 1560s. Fem. form moderatrix attested from 1530s …   Etymology dictionary

  • moderator — modèrātor (moderȃtor) m DEFINICIJA 1. onaj koji upravlja nekim stručnim, političkim i sl. skupom 2. fiz. sredstvo koje u nuklearnim reaktorima usporava brze neutrone koji nastaju u nuklearnim procesima, njime se regulira intenzitet nuklearne… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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