
/mis'euh saw"geuh/, n.
a city in SE Ontario, in S Canada, on the SW shore of Lake Ontario: suburb of Toronto. 315,056.

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City (pop., 2001: 612,925), southeastern Ontario, Canada.

Situated at the western end of Lake Ontario, southwest of Toronto, it was settled in the early 19th century on land purchased from the Mississauga Indians. Mississauga became a town in 1968 and a city in 1974. Both a residential suburb of Toronto and an important industrial centre, it is also the site of the Lester B. Pearson International Airport.

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      city, regional municipality of Peel, southeastern Ontario, Canada. It lies at the western end of Lake Ontario, immediately southwest of Toronto. First settled in the early 19th century on land purchased from the Mississauga Indians, the township of Toronto gave rise to the villages of Port Credit (incorporated 1934) and Streetsville (incorporated 1958), both of which became towns in the early 1960s. On Jan. 1, 1968, the entire township, exclusive of Port Credit and Streetsville, was incorporated as a town, one of the largest and most densely populated in Canada, and in 1974 Mississauga became a city.

      Mississauga is both a residential suburb of Toronto and an important industrial centre in its own right. Its manufactures include aircraft, engines and turbines, motor vehicles, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, petroleum, rubber and steel products, construction materials and equipment, plastics, cement, household appliances, and printed material. The city has port facilities and is on major expressways and railway lines. It is also the site of Toronto International Airport, Canada's busiest air terminal, and Erindale College, an affiliate of the University of Toronto. Pop. (2006) 668,549.

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