- Mining Eng.
Mining Engineer.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Mining Eng. — Mining Engineer … Useful english dictionary
Mining in Cornwall — first began in the early Bronze Age approximately 2,150 BC and ended with the South Crofty tin mine closing in 1998.HistoryMining in Cornwall has existed from the early Bronze Age around 2,150 B.C. Cornwall is thought to have been visited by… … Wikipedia
Mining accident — Mount Mulligan mine disaster in Australia 1921, these cable drums were blown 50 feet (15 m) from their foundations following a coal dust explosion A mining accident is an accident that occurs during the process of mining minerals. Thousands… … Wikipedia
Mining Industry Human Resources Council — The Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR)[1] is the national sector council for the Canadian minerals and metals industry, and is part of the Alliance of Sector Councils[1]. MiHR contributes to the sustainability of the Canadian mining… … Wikipedia
Mining and Chemical Combine — Die Kerntechnische Anlage Schelesnogorsk ( Bergbau und Chemiekombinat (russisch Горно химический комбинат), Abkürzung GChK[1], der ursprüngliche Name war Combine 815 bzw. Mining and Chemical Combine[2][3]) liegt zehn Kilometer von der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Data-Mining — Unter Data Mining (der englische Begriff bedeutet etwa „aus einem Datenberg etwas Wertvolles extrahieren“, eine adäquate deutsche Übersetzung existiert nicht.[1] Der Duden empfiehlt die Schreibweise „Data Mining“[2]) versteht man die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
University of Tehran, Department of Mining Engineering — Infobox University name = The University of Tehran, Faculty of Engineering (Department of Mining Engineering) persian = la. Madan e Tehran (Persrian forms for Mining Depart. at University of Tehran ) established = 1934, Split 1998 type = Public… … Wikipedia
Longwall mining — is a form of underground coal mining where a long wall (typically about 250 400 m long) of coal is mined in a single slice (typically 1 2 m thick). The longwall panel (the block of coal that is being mined) is typically 3 4 km long and 250 400 m… … Wikipedia
Dauerversuche [1] — Dauerversuche bezwecken, das Verhalten der Materialien gegenüber mehr oder weniger lange anhaltender oder mehr oder weniger oft wiederholter Inanspruchnahme durch äußere mechanische oder chemische Einflüsse zu ermitteln. Im nachstehenden tollen… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Chung Keng Quee — 鄭景貴 Traditional Chinese 鄭 … Wikipedia