
/mil"yeuh kawf', -kof'/; Russ. /myi lyooh kawf"/, n.
Pavel Nikolaevich /pah"veuhl nik'euh lah"yeuh vich/; Russ. /pah"vyil nyi ku lah"yi vyich/, 1859-1943, Russian statesman and historian.

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  • Milyukov — /mil yeuh kawf , kof /; Russ. /myi lyooh kawf /, n. Pavel Nikolaevich /pah veuhl nik euh lah yeuh vich/; Russ. /pah vyil nyi ku lah yi vyich/, 1859 1943, Russian statesman and historian …   Useful english dictionary

  • Milyukov, Pavel (Nikolayevich) — born Jan. 27, 1859, Moscow, Russia died March 3, 1943, Aix les Bains, France Russian politician and historian. He taught history at Moscow University until 1895 and wrote the acclaimed Outlines of Russian Culture (3 vol., 1896–1903). A liberal… …   Universalium

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