
/mid"gahrd/, n. Scand. Myth.
the middle earth, home of men, lying between Niflheim and Muspelheim, formed from the body of Ymir.
[ < ON mithgarthr, c. OE middangeard the earth, the abode of men. See MID-, YARD2]

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In Norse mythology, the dwelling place of humankind.

According to legend, it was made from the body of the first created being, the giant Aurgelmir (Ymir). The gods killed him and rolled his body into the central void of the universe, forming the land from his flesh, the oceans from his blood, the mountains from his bones, and so on. Aurgelmir's skull, held up by four dwarfs, became the dome of the heavens. The sun, moon, and stars were made of scattered sparks caught in the skull.

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Norse mythology
also spelled  Midgardr (Old Norse: Middle Abode) , also called  Manna-Heim (“Home of Man”) 

      in Norse mythology, the Middle Earth, the abode of mankind, made from the body of the first created being, the giant Aurgelmir (Ymir). According to legend, the gods killed Aurgelmir, rolled his body into the central void of the universe, and began fashioning the Midgard. Aurgelmir's flesh became the land, his blood the oceans, his bones the mountains, his teeth the cliffs, his hair the trees, and his brains (blown over the earth) became the clouds. Aurgelmir's skull was held up by four dwarfs, Nordri, Sudri, Austri, and Vestri (the four points of the compass), and became the dome of the heavens. The sun, moon, and stars were made of scattered sparks that were caught in the skull.

      Midgard is situated halfway between Niflheim on the north, the land of ice, and Muspelheim to the south, the region of fire. Midgard is joined with Asgard, the abode of the deities, by Bifrost, the rainbow bridge.

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