- microsegment
/muy"kreuh seg'meuhnt/, n.[1955-60; MICRO- + SEGMENT]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Microsegment — A microsegment is an extremely precise division of a market, typically identified by marketers through advanced technology and techniques, such as data mining, artificial intelligence, and algorithms. These technologies and techniques are used to … Wikipedia
microsegment — /muy kreuh seg meuhnt/, n. a stretch of speech preceded and followed but not interrupted by juncture. Cf. macrosegment. [1955 60; MICRO + SEGMENT] … Useful english dictionary
Microbusiness — A microbusiness is a small business or enterprise with less than 5 employees and little access to commercial banking. Many microbusinesses are side businesses run from the house or via the internet. Starting a microbusiness is often a possibility … Wikipedia
macrosegment — /mak roh seg meuhnt/, n. a stretch of speech preceded and followed but not interrupted by a pause. Cf. microsegment. [1955 60; MACRO + SEGMENT] * * * … Universalium