
microfaunal, adj.
/muy'kroh faw"neuh/, n., pl. microfaunas, microfaunae /-nee/. (used with a sing. or pl. v.)
1. Biol. microscopic animals.
2. Ecol. the fauna of a microhabitat.
[1900-05; MICRO- + FAUNA]

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      small, often microscopic animals, especially those inhabiting the soil, an organ, or other localized habitat. Single-celled protozoans, small nematodes, small unsegmented worms, and tardigrades (eight-legged arthropods) are the most common components of microfauna. Many inhabit water films or pore spaces in leaf litter and in the soil, feeding on smaller microorganisms that decompose organic material.

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Universalium. 2010.

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