
/muy"kreuh berrst'/, n. Meteorol.
an intense, localized downdraft of air that spreads on the ground, causing rapid changes in wind direction and speed; a localized downburst.
[1980-85; MICRO- + BURST]

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 pattern of intense winds (wind) that descends from rain clouds, hits the ground, and fans out horizontally. Microbursts are short-lived, usually lasting from about 5 to 15 minutes, and they are relatively compact, usually affecting an area of 1 to 3 km (about 0.5 to 2 miles) in diameter. They are often but not always associated with thunderstorms (thunderstorm) or strong rains. By causing a sudden change in wind direction or speeda condition known as wind shearmicrobursts create a particular hazard for airplanes at takeoff and landing because the pilot is confronted with a rapid and unexpected shift from headwind to tailwind.

      In arid regions, the rain commonly associated with microbursts often evaporates before the downdraft reaches the ground; the resulting dry microbursts produce no visible clue to their presence. Wet microbursts, typical of more humid areas, are generally accompanied by a visible rain shaft. Bursts can be detected by modern weather radar and by wind sensors on the ground. The mechanics of microburst phenomena are not yet completely understood. Their existence was first observed in 1974 by meteorologist T. Theodore Fujita (Fujita, T. Theodore), and since then they have been identified as the cause of several airline crashes.

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  • microburst — noun Date: 1981 a violent short lived localized downdraft that creates extreme wind shears at low altitudes and is usually associated with thunderstorms …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • microburst — noun a sudden, powerful, localized air current, especially a downdraught …   English new terms dictionary

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