micelle — [ misɛl ] n. f. • v. 1900; du lat. mica « parcelle » ♦ Chim., phys. Particule formée d un agrégat de molécules en solution colloïdale. ⇒ colloïde. Adj. MICELLAIRE , 1922 . ⊗ HOM. Missel. ● micelle nom féminin ( … Encyclopédie Universelle
micelle — [mīsel′ə, misel′ə] n. pl. micellae [mī sel′ē, mi sel′ēmī sel′, misel′] n. [ModL micella, dim. < L mica, a grain, crumb: see MICA] 1. Biol. a submicroscopic structural unit composed of a group of molecules, as in living protoplasm, starch… … English World dictionary
Micelle — Cross section view of the structures that can be formed by phospholipids in aqueous solutions … Wikipedia
Micelle — Schéma d une micelle directe formée par des phospholipides en solution aqueuse … Wikipédia en Français
micelle — noun /maɪˈsɛl,məˈsɛl/ a colloidal aggregate, in a simple geometric form, of a specific number of amphipathic molecules which forms at a well defined concentration, called the critical micelle concentration … Wiktionary
micelle — micelė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Elektriškai neutrali koloidinio tirpalo dalelė. atitikmenys: angl. micelle rus. мицелла … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
micelle — noun Etymology: New Latin micella, from Latin mica Date: 1881 a unit of structure built up from polymeric molecules or ions: as a. an ordered region in a fiber (as of cellulose or rayon) b. a molecular aggregate that constitutes a colloidal… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Micelle — Mizelle in Wasserlösung Mizellen (von lat. mica = Klümpchen, kleiner Bissen), auch Assoziationskolloide genannt, sind Aggregate (Assoziate) aus amphiphilen Molekülen bzw. grenzflächenaktiven Substanzen, die sich in einem Dispersionsmedium (meist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
micelle — n.; pl. ae [L. micarius, crumbs] A supermolecular colloid particle, often an orderly packet of chain molecules in parallel arrangement … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
micelle — One of the possible ways in which amphipathic molecules may be arranged; a spherical structure in which all the hydrophobic portions of the molecules are inwardly directed, leaving the hydrophilic portions in contact with the surrounding aqueous… … Dictionary of molecular biology