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endosmotically — end·osmotically … English syllables
endosmotically — adverb see endosmosis … Useful english dictionary
endosmosis — endosmotic /en doz mot ik, dos /, adj. endosmotically, adv. /en doz moh sis, dos /, n. 1. Biol. osmosis toward the inside of a cell or vessel. 2. Physical Chem. the flow of a substance from an area of lesser concentration to one of greater… … Universalium
endosmosis — /ˌɛndɒzˈmoʊsəs/ (say .endoz mohsuhs), / dɒs / (say dos ) noun 1. osmosis from outside inwards. 2. (in osmosis) the flow of that fluid which passes with the greater rapidity into the other liquid (opposed to exosmosis). {New Latin} –endosmotic… …