
metrizable, adj.metrization, n.
/mi truyz", me"truyz/, v.t., metrized, metrizing. Math.
to find a metric for (a topological space for which the metric topology is the given topology).
Also, metricize; esp. Brit., metrise.
[METR(IC)2 + -IZE]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • metrize — metrizable, adj. metrization, n. /mi truyz , me truyz/, v.t., metrized, metrizing. Math. to find a metric for (a topological space for which the metric topology is the given topology). Also, metricize; esp. Brit., metrise. [METR(IC)2 + IZE] …   Useful english dictionary

  • metricize — /me treuh suyz /, v.t., metricized, metricizing. 1. to express in terms of the metric system. 2. Math. metrize. Also, esp. Brit., metricise. [1870 75; METRIC1 + IZE] * * * …   Universalium

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