- mesocecum
—mesocecal /mez'euh see"keuhl, mes'-, mee'zeuh-, -seuh-/, adj.the mesentery of the cecum.[1895-1900; MESO- + CECUM]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
mesocecum — Part of the mesocolon, supporting the cecum, that occasionally persists when the ascending colon becomes retroperitoneal during fetal life. SYN: mesentery of cecum. [meso + cecum] * * * me·so·ce·cum or chiefly Brit me·so·cae·cum sē kəm … Medical dictionary
mesocecum — n. connective tissue of the central appendix, mesentery of the cecum (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
mesocecum — meso·cecum … English syllables
mesocecum — |me]zō, |mē], ]sō+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from mes + cecum : the fold of peritoneum attached to the cecum * * * mesocecal /mez euh see keuhl, mes , mee zeuh , seuh /, adj. /mez euh see keuhm, mes , mee zeuh , seuh /, n., pl. mesoceca / keuh/ … Useful english dictionary
Mesentery — A fold of tissue which attaches organs to the body wall. The word mesentery usually refers to the small bowel mesentery which anchors the small intestine to the back of the abdominal wall. Blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics branch through the… … Medical dictionary
mesocecal — Relating to the mesocecum … Medical dictionary