
/men doh"zeuh/; Sp. /men daw"sah/ or, for 1, /-thah/, n.
1. Pedro de /pe"dhrddaw dhe/, 1487-1537, Spanish soldier and explorer: founder of the first colony of Buenos Aires 1536?.
2. a city in W central Argentina. 596,796.

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 city, capital of Mendoza provincia (province), western Argentina, at an elevation of 2,497 ft (761 m), in the irrigated Río Mendoza Valley, at the foot of the secondary Andean range, Sierra de los Paramillos. The city was founded and relocated several times in the 1560s by Spaniards arriving from Chile. Not until 1776 did control of the region, then known as Cuyo, pass from Spanish Chilean administration to the newly created Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, governed from Buenos Aires. During the movement for independence from Spain, Mendoza was the headquarters of General José de San Martín (San Martín, José de), who organized an expeditionary force to cross the Andes and liberate Chile in 1817. A monument commemorating this event is atop Gloria Hill, overlooking the city on the west. In 1861 Mendoza was destroyed by an earthquake, with heavy loss of life. A new city was planned (1863) with broad tree-lined streets, squares, and public parks, close to the ruins. An influx of immigrants, mostly Italians, in the late 19th century stimulated economic development.

      Although the climate is dry, irrigation has permitted local cultivation of market gardens, orchards, and vineyards; water was diverted from the Mendoza River at Luján, 15 miles (25 km) south, via a natural channel called El Zanjón, which crosses the city. The wine, fruit-preserving, and petrochemical industries are important in the city and built-up environs. Rail lines and highways link Mendoza to Argentina's principal ports, and the city serves as a gateway to Chile. A major base of the Argentine Air Force is located there. The city has several theatres, a museum of anthropology and natural sciences, the National University of Cuyo (1939), and two other private universities. Pop. (2001) 110,993.

 provincia (province), western Argentina. Mendoza province extends eastward from the high peaks of the Andes Mountains, which form its boundary with Chile. A considerable part of its area is occupied by arid and semiarid sections of sub-Andean ranges, foothills, and piedmont. The highest peak of the Andes (and the Western Hemisphere), Mount Aconcagua (Aconcagua, Mount) (22,831 feet [6,959 metres]), is in its northwest corner at the Chilean border. The most heavily populated districts of the province are at the base of the cordillera, in the north, where the Mendoza River, in particular, supplies water for irrigation. Toward the east are sandy plains with extensive saline basins, into which flow all the rivers, with the exception of the Grande River in the southwest. Dams built on the Atuel and Diamante rivers in the foothills of central Mendoza province have made the area around the city of San Rafael more agriculturally productive.

      Mendoza was settled by Spaniards from Chile in 1561. Throughout the colonial period it remained a sparsely populated frontier area under constant threat of Indian raids. In 1776 it was detached from Chile to become part of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, and it became a province in 1820. Its development was hindered by its remoteness from the Atlantic Ocean and the Río de la Plata, but this was surmounted in 1885 by the completion of a railway to the provincial capital, Mendoza. Subsequently, a railway (no longer in service) was completed in 1910 that connected Mendoza with the Chilean train system. A highway crossing the Andes at Uspallata Pass connects Mendoza city with Valparaíso, Chile.

      Mendoza produces most of Argentina's grapes grown for wine, and numerous orchards are planted in apples, peaches, pears, apricots, plums, and olives. A major irrigation and hydroelectric project (hydroelectric power) on the Diamante River was built in the 1970s. Alfalfa is grown in Mendoza to fatten cattle for the Chilean markets, and cereals and soybeans are increasingly cultivated. Mineral resources include deposits of uranium, natural gas, manganese, gold, and copper. In the early 1980s Mendoza was the leading producer of petroleum in Argentina. Tourism is another source of income, based on mountain resorts, notably Villavicencio (thermal springs) and Potrerillos (skiing). An impressive border landmark at 13,450 feet (4,100 metres) in Uspallata Pass is the statue Christ of the Andes, sculpted in 1902 by Mateo Alonso as a symbol of peace between Argentina and Chile. Area 57,462 square miles (148,827 square km). Pop. (2001) 1,579,651.

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