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Enantiomeric excess — The enantiomeric excess of a substance is a measure of how pure it is. In this case, the impurity is the undesired enantiomer (the opposite handed mirror image of a chiral compound). Definition Enantiomeric excess is defined as the absolute… … Wikipedia
Enantiomeric excess — Der Enantiomerenüberschuss, oder kurz e.e. Wert (von englisch: enantiomeric excess), gibt den Überschuss eines Enantiomers in einem Gemisch an. Er ist definiert als mit m1: Masse des Enantiomers im Überschuss, m2: Masse des Enantiomers im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
enantiomeric excess — enantiomero perteklius statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Enantiomerų kiekių medžiagoje skirtumas (%). atitikmenys: angl. enantiomeric excess; optical yield rus. оптический выход; энантиомерный избыток ryšiai: sinonimas – optinė išeiga … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Enantiomeric — Enantiomer E*nan ti*o*mer, n. [Gr. enanti os opposite + mer.] (Chem.) either of a pair of optical isomers of a chemical substance whose molecules are mirror images of each other, i. e., are related to each other as a right handed to a left handed … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
enantiomeric — adjective see enantiomer … New Collegiate Dictionary
enantiomeric — adjective Of or pertaining to an enantiomer or the relation between enantiomers … Wiktionary
enantiomeric — Pertaining to enantiomerism … Medical dictionary
enantiomeric — en·an·ti·o·mer·ic … English syllables
enantiomeric — |nantēō|merik adjective Etymology: enantio + meric : enantiomorphous * * * enantiomerˈic adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑enantiomer … Useful english dictionary
Homochirality — is a term used to refer to a group of molecules that possess the same sense of chirality. Molecules involved are not necessarily the same compound, but similar groups are arranged in the same way around a central atom. In biology homochirality is … Wikipedia