
Melian /mee"lee euhn, meel"yeuhn/, adj., n.
/mee"los, -lohs, mel"os, -ohs/; Gk. /mee"laws/, n.
a Greek island in the Cyclades, in the SW Aegean: statue, Venus de Milo, found here 1820. 4499; 51 sq. mi. (132 sq. km).
Also, Milo, Milos.

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Greek Mílos

Island (pop., 1991: 4,302) of the Cyclades, Greece.

It is 14 mi (23 km) long and occupies an area of 58 sq mi (151 sq km). Melos (Mílos) is the chief town. On the ancient acropolis of Adamanda, the Venus de Milo (now in the Louvre Museum) was found in 1820. The settlement of Phylakopi, dating from 1550 BC, was destroyed с 1100 BC by Dorian settlers. In 416 BC Melos was conquered by Athens, which killed the entire male population in reprisal for the island's neutrality in the Peloponnesian War. Lysander later restored the island to the Dorians, but it never recovered its prosperity. Later, under Crusader rule, it formed part of the duchy of Naxos.

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Modern Greek  Mílos,  

      island, most southwesterly of the major islands of the Greek Cyclades in the Aegean Sea. The greater portion of the 58.1-sq-mi (150.6-sq-km) island, of geologically recent volcanic origin, is rugged, culminating in the west in Mt. Profítis Ilías (2,464 ft [751 m]).

      Its obsidian exports to Phoenicia helped to make it an important centre of early Aegean civilization. The bay, 165330 ft deep, is a submerged crater created out of a violent volcanic eruption that left an isthmus approximately 1.5 mi (2.4 km) wide on the south. Mílos, the capital and chief town, lies just north of the chief port, Adhámas. Southwest of the town are catacombs in which early Christians from the Greek mainland sought refuge. On the ancient acropolis of Adamanda the famous Venus (Aphrodite) of Milo was found in 1820.

      The British School at Athens excavated (189699) the ancient acropolis of Klima (1000800 BC) above Mílos, uncovering a palace and a gymnasium and a Roman theatre of later date. The most significant civilization uncovered on Melos by the British School, however, was that of Phylakopi, a site near Apollonia, the second port of Melos, on the promontory of Pláka. Phylakopi was a flourishing settlement at the time of the late Bronze Age eruption of neighbouring Thera. Evidence discovered at Phylakopi in 1974 tended to reverse earlier assumptions that the eruption had destroyed the island: no break in continuity was established. The oldest city dates from between 2300 and 2000 BC. On the same site a second city rose (from 2000 to 1550 BC). The third city (15501100), dating largely from the Mycenaean Age, represents the fullest flowering of Melos' Cycladic civilization. Phylakopi was destroyed about 1100 by Dorian settlers.

      The Athenian outrage of slaying the entire male population (416) in reprisal for the islanders' neutrality during the Peloponnesian War inspired the playwright Euripides to write and stage before his fellow Athenians his work Trojan Women, an anti-war play that continues as part of modern dramatic repertories. The historian Thucydides, in hisMelian Dialogue,” preserved the speeches made in negotiations between the Athenians and Melians which preceded the military action. The Spartan soldier-statesman Lysander (died 395 BC) restored the island to its Dorian possessors, but it never recovered its prosperity. Under Frankish rule the island formed part of the duchy of Naxos.

      In classical times Melos' sulfur, alum, and obsidian mines gave it wide commercial prominence; the Melian earth was used as a pigment by painters. Bentonite, perlite, kaolin, barium, gypsum, millstones, and salt are exported, and oranges, olives, grapes, cotton, and barley are cultivated. The island is no longer famous for the ornamental vases and the goldsmiths' art produced in the 7th century BC. Pop. (1981) town, 735; island, 4,554.

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