
/mel"euhn/, n.
1. the fruit of any of various plants of the gourd family, as the muskmelon or watermelon.
2. medium crimson or deep pink.
3. the visible upper portion of the head of a surfacing whale or dolphin, including the beak, eyes, and blowhole.
4. Informal.
a. a large extra dividend, often in the form of stock, to be distributed to stockholders: Profits zoomed so in the last quarter that the corporation cut a nice melon.
b. any windfall of money to be divided among specified participants.
[1350-1400; ME < LL melon- (s. of melo), short for melopepo < Gk melopépon apple-shaped melon, equiv. to mêlo(n) apple + pépon PEPO]

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Any of the seven groups of Cucumis melo, a trailing vine grown for its edible, sweet, musky-scented fruit.

Members of the horticulturally diverse gourd family, melons are frost-tender annuals native to central Asia but widely grown in many cultivated varieties in warm regions worldwide. They have soft, hairy, trailing stems, large round to lobed leaves, yellow flowers, and large flat seeds. The fruits of the numerous cultivated varieties differ greatly in size, shape, surface texture, flesh colour, flavour, and weight. Examples include cantaloupe, honeydew, and casaba. Plants resembling true melons include the watermelon, the Chinese watermelon, the melon tree (see papaya), and the melon shrub, or pear melon (Solanum muricatum).

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      any of the varieties of Cucumis melo, a trailing vine grown for its edible, often musky-scented fruit; it may have its origin in West Africa. Melons are members of the horticulturally diverse gourd family (Cucurbitaceae). They are frost-tender annuals, native to central Asia, and widely grown in many cultivated varieties in warm regions around the world. The species has soft, hairy trailing stems, large round to lobed leaves, and yellow flowers about 2.5 cm (1 inch) across. The fruits of the numerous cultivated varieties differ greatly in size, shape, surface texture, and flesh colour and flavour: they weigh from 1 to 4 kg (2 to 9 pounds).

      Seven groups of melons are cultivated:

      Reticulatus group, the netted, or nutmeg, melons, including the small muskmelons, with net-ribbed rind and sweet orange flesh;

      Cantalupensis group, the cantaloupes (named for Cantalupo, near Rome, where these melons were early grown from southwestern Asian stock), characterized by rough warty rind and sweet orange flesh;

      Inodorus group, the winter melons, including the large, smooth-skinned, mildly flavoured, and light green- to white-fleshed honeydew, casaba, and Persian melons;

      Flexuosus group, the snake or serpent melons, up to 7 cm (3 inches) in diameter and about 1 metre (3 feet) long, with slightly acid cucumber-like flesh;

      Conomon group, the Oriental pickling melons, with greenish flesh, neither musky nor sweet;

      Chito group, the mango melons, with fruit usually the size and shape of a lemon or orange, and flesh whitish and cucumber-like;

      Dudaim group, sometimes called the stinking melons, characterized by orange-sized, highly fragrant but inedible ornamental fruit.

      Cantaloupes are commonly grown commercially in Europe; the melons sold ascantaloupesin the United States are a variety of melons, especially the netted types of the Reticulatus group. The familiar dessert melons in North America are the netted and winter melons. Chito, Conomon, and Flexuosus melons, grown for making preserves and pickles, and Dudaim melons, grown for their ornamental and perfumed fruits, are of commercial importance only locally.

      Cantaloupes and netted melons are ripe when they give off a sweet fruity odour, at which time theyslipor break readily at the union of fruit and stalk. Honeydews and casabas are ripe when they turn yellow, at which time they are cut from the vine; they are called the winter melons because they ripen late and mature slowly in storage for many weeks, becoming softer but not noticeably sweeter.

      Plants resembling true melons include the watermelon; the Chinese watermelon ( wax gourd); the melon tree ( papaya); and the melon shrub, or pear melon (Solanum muricatum), with purple fruit and yellow aromatic flesh, native to the Andes.

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