
/may leel"yah/, n.
a seaport belonging to Spain on the NE coast of Morocco, in NW Africa. 60,843.

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Spanish enclave and autonomous community (pop., 2001: 66,411), North Africa.

It covers 5 sq mi (12 sq km) and is a military station and seaport. Located on Morocco's northern coast, it was successively colonized by the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans. It fell as a Berber town to Spain in 1497 and remained Spanish despite a long history of attack and siege. In the early 20th century Spain modernized its port and made it an administrative centre for Spanish Morocco. It was the first Spanish town to rise against the Popular Front government in 1936, helping to precipitate the Spanish Civil War. It was retained by Spain when Morocco achieved independence in 1956.

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      Spanish exclave, military base, and free port on the northern coast of Morocco. The city is located on the eastern side of the Cabo Tres Forcas (French: Cap des Trois Fourches), a rocky peninsula that extends approximately 25 miles (40 km) into the Mediterranean Sea.

      Colonized by the ancient Phoenicians (later Carthaginians) and Romans under the name of Rusaddir, it fell as a Berber town to Spain in 1497 and remained Spanish thereafter despite a long history of attack and siege. After acquiring the adjacent area in about 1909, Spain modernized Melilla's port and made the town into a garrison post for Spanish Morocco. In 1921 during the Rif War, Moroccan tribes under the leadership of Abd el-Krim almost captured the town. Melilla was the first Spanish town to rise against the Popular Front government in July 1936, thus helping precipitate the Spanish Civil War. Melilla was retained by Spain as an exclave when Morocco attained independence in 1956. In 1995 the Spanish government approved statutes of autonomy for Melilla, replacing the city council with an assembly similar to those of Spain's other autonomous communities.

      The modern quarter of the city spreads south and west on the mainland, while the old walled city is situated between the port and the new quarter. The port exports iron ore that is transported by rail from mines in the Rif of the adjacent (Moroccan) hinterland. A double fence lined with razor wire surrounds the exclave to keep immigrants, mainly African refugees, from entering.

      Textiles, shoemaking, and local metallurgical manufactures are Melilla's main industries. Services, including a growing tourism industry, contribute significantly to the economy. Two-thirds of the exclave's population is Roman Catholic, while the remainder is mostly Muslim. Area 5 square miles (12 square km). Pop. (2006 est.) 66,871.

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Universalium. 2010.

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