
/meg'euh lop"euh lis/, n.
1. a very large city.
2. an urban region, esp. one consisting of several large cities and suburbs that adjoin each other.
Also, megapolis.
[1825-35; MEGALO- + POLIS]

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Ancient city, central Peloponnese, Greece.

Occupying both banks of the Helisson River, it was founded in 371368 BC by Epaminondas of Thebes as the seat of the Arcadian League. Attacked several times by Sparta, it joined the Achaean League in 234 BC. It declined rapidly after being plundered by Cleomenes III of Sparta in 223 BC, and by the 2nd century AD it lay in ruins. The nearby modern town lies in a rich lignite-bearing region that fuels thermal power stations.

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Modern Greek  Megalópolis,  

      ancient and modern settlement, nomós (department) of Arkadhía, of the Peloponnese, Greece, just northwest of which lay an ancient city of the same name at 1,400 feet (427 m) above sea level on the Akhíllion plain. Spreading extensively on both banks of the Helisson (Elísson) River just above its junction with the Alpheus (Alfiós), the ancient community (the name meanslarge city,” orgreat city”) was founded on a grandiose scale (371368 BC) by Epaminondas of Thebes as the seat of the Arcadian League and as a bastion for the southern Arcadians' containment of Sparta. Megalopolis on the Helisson was populated by the wholesale transfer of inhabitants from 40 local villages and by contingents from Tegéa, Mantineia, and other locations. Encompassed by strong walls, the city reached about 5.5 miles (9 km) in circumference; its territory, extending 24 miles (39 km) northward, was the greatest of any city-state in Arcadia. Spartan attempts to take the city, which had been weakened by the failure of the Arcadian League, were foiled in 353 and 331as well as after 234, when Megalopolis joined the Achaean League. In 223, however, Cleomenes III of Sparta plundered it, and with the coming of Rome in 146, the city declined rapidly; in the 2nd century AD the Greek traveler Pausanias noted that it was a heap of ruins. The only great historical figures it produced were the Achaean soldier-statesman Philopoemen (c. 252182 BC) and the historian Polybius (c. 200after 118 BC).

      Excavation by the British School at Athens in 189093 revealed municipal buildings north of the river that were grouped around a square agora; buildings to the south of the river included the main federal buildings, a theatre that was the largest in ancient Greece, and an adjoining Thersilion, or assembly hall.

      Megalopolis is at the centre of a rich lignite-bearing region that has been exploited since the early 1970s to fuel several thermal-power stations. Pop. (1981) 4,875.

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Universalium. 2010.

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