- Matthiessen
/math"euh seuhn/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Matthiessen — is a Danish Norwegian patronymic surname meaning son of Mathies (equivalent of the Biblical Μαθθαιος, cf. English Matthew). Several spelling variants are used, including Matthiesen, Mathiesen, Matthisen and Mathissen. A similar diversity of forms … Wikipedia
Matthiessen — oder Matthießen ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Augustus Matthiessen (1831–1870), britischer Chemiker Detlef Matthiessen (* 1954), deutscher Politiker (B’90/Grüne) F. O. Matthiessen (1902–1950), US amerikanischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Matthiessen State Park — IUCN Category III (Natural Monument) Cascade Falls at Matthiessen State Park … Wikipedia
Matthiessen, Peter — born May 22, 1927, New York, N.Y., U.S. U.S. naturalist and writer. He attended Yale University and worked as a fisherman on Long Island before undertaking his extensive world travels. His nonfiction, much of it inspired by his career as a… … Universalium
Matthiessen's ratio — For the electron mobility rule, see Matthiessen s rule. In optics, Matthiessen s ratio is the ratio between the distance from the centre of the lens to the objective, versus the lens radius[1]. This is of particular importance in fish, where the… … Wikipedia
Matthiessen, Francis Otto — ▪ American educator and critic born Feb. 19, 1902, Pasadena, Calif., U.S. died April 1, 1950, Boston U.S. educator and critic who examined the lasting value of American classics as products of a certain author, society, and era.… … Universalium
Matthiessen — patronymische Bildungen (schwacher Genitiv bzw. Ableitung auf sen) zu Matthies … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen
Matthiessen — /math euh seuhn/, n. Peter, born 1927, U.S. novelist and travel writer … Useful english dictionary
МÁТТИСЕН (Matthiessen) Фрэнсис Отто — (Matthiessen) Фрэнсис Отто (1902–50), амер. литературовед; близок культурно ист. школе. В книгах о Г. Джеймсе, Т. Драйзере, Т. С. Элиоте, Г. Торо (в 1935–50) иссл. проблему традиций в лит ре США … Биографический словарь
Matthiessen's ratio — the proportion between the distance from the centre of the lens to the retina divided by the radius of the lens in fishes. The proportion is usually 2.55. All fish eyes, therefore, have the same proportions, regardless of size … Dictionary of ichthyology