- Mathewson
/math"yoo seuhn/, n.
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(as used in expressions)Hood Raymond MathewsonMathewson ChristyChristopher Mathewson* * *
Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Mathewson — may refer to one of the following: People: Christy Mathewson (1880 1925), baseball player Courtney Mathewson, water polo player Elisha Mathewson (1767 1853), US senator George Mathewson, Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland Henry Mathewson,… … Wikipedia
Mathewson — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Christy Mathewson (1880–1925), US amerikanischer Baseballspieler Elisha Mathewson (1767–1853), US amerikanischer Politiker Henry Mathewson (1886–1917), US amerikanischer Baseballspieler Ron Mathewson (*… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mathewson — This long established surname is a patronymic form of the Middle English male given name, Mathew, of biblical origin, ultimately from the Hebrew Matityahu , gift of Jehovah , and Latinized as Matthaeus and Matthias . Introduced into England by… … Surnames reference
Mathewson — (as used in expressions) Hood, Raymond M(athewson) Mathewson, Christy Christopher Mathewson … Enciclopedia Universal
Mathewson Farm — U.S. National Register of Historic Places Location: Johnston, Rhode Island Bu … Wikipedia
Mathewson Point — (74°23′S 132°33′W / 74.383°S 132.55°W / 74.383; 132.55) is a steep, rocky point at the north tip of Shepard Island, which lies on the seaward edge of the Getz Ice Shelf … Wikipedia
Mathewson, Christy — in full Christopher Mathewson born Aug. 12, 1880, Factoryville, Pa., U.S. died Oct. 7, 1925, Saranac Lake, N.Y. U.S. baseball pitcher. Mathewson played football and baseball for Bucknell University and was one of the first college educated men to … Universalium
Mathewson, Christy — p. ext. Christopher Mathewson (12 ago. 1880, Factoryville, Pa., EE.UU.–7 oct. 1925, Saranac Lake, N.Y.). Lanzador de béisbol estadounidense. Jugó fútbol americano y béisbol en la Universidad de Bucknell y fue uno de los primeros jugadores de las… … Enciclopedia Universal
Mathewson — /math yoo seuhn/, n. Christopher ( Christy ), 1880 1925, U.S. baseball player … Useful english dictionary
Mathewson,Christopher — Math·ew·son (măthʹyo͞o sən), Christopher. Known as “Christy.” 1880 1925. American baseball player who won 373 games as a right handed pitcher for the New York Giants (1900 1916). * * * … Universalium