
matless, adj.
/mat/, n., v., matted, matting.
1. a piece of fabric made of plaited or woven rushes, straw, hemp, or similar fiber, or of some other pliant material, as rubber, used as a protective covering on a floor or other surface, to wipe the shoes on, etc.
2. a smaller piece of material, often ornamental, set under a dish of food, a lamp, vase, etc.
3. Sports.
a. the padded canvas covering the entire floor of a wrestling ring, for protecting the contestants from injury when thrown.
b. a thick pad placed on the floor for the protection of tumblers and others engaged in gymnastic sports.
4. a thickly growing or thick and tangled mass, as of hair or weeds.
5. a sack made of matting, as for coffee or sugar.
6. a slablike footing of concrete, esp. one for an entire building.
7. a heavy mesh reinforcement for a concrete slab.
8. go to the mat, to contend or struggle in a determined or unyielding way: The President is going to the mat with Congress over the proposed budget cuts.
9. to cover with or as if with mats or matting.
10. to form into a mat, as by interweaving.
11. to become entangled; form tangled masses.
[bef. 900; ME, OE matte < LL matta mat of rushes < Sem; cf. Heb mittah bed]
/mat/, n., v., matted, matting.
1. a piece of cardboard or other material placed over or under a drawing, painting, photograph, etc., to serve as a frame or provide a border between the picture and the frame.
2. to provide (a picture) with a mat.
[1835-40; appar. MAT1, influenced by MATTE1]
/mat/, adj., n., v., matted, matting.
/mat/, n. Print.
1. the intaglio, usually of papiermâché, impressed from type or a cut, from which a stereotype plate is cast.
2. matrix (def. 8).
[1920-25; shortened form of MATRIX]

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