
mastitic /ma stit"ik/, adj.
/ma stuy"tis/, n.
1. Pathol. inflammation of the breast.
2. Vet. Pathol. inflammation of the udder, esp. of cows; garget.
[1835-45; MAST- + -ITIS]

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Inflammation of the breast.

Acute mastitis, usually caused by bacteria, begins almost exclusively in the first three weeks of nursing and can be cured with antibiotics without stopping nursing. The breasts may become swollen, red, hard, and tender; without treatment abscesses may occur. Mastitis can be localized or widespread, and the breast's lymphatic system may be involved. Girls may have brief hormone-induced breast inflammation soon after birth and during puberty. Chronic mastitis usually occurs in systemic diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, syphilis). One rare type is seen mostly in older women with a history of difficult nursing. Some mastitis cases resemble certain cancers.

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 inflammation of the breast in women or of the udder in sheep, swine, and cattle. Acute mastitis in women is a sudden infectious inflammation caused usually by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, or sometimes by streptococcus organisms. It begins almost exclusively during the first three weeks of nursing and is limited to the period of lactation (milk production). The bacterial organisms invade the breast through cracks in the nipples, the exposed lymphatic ducts, or the milk ducts. Irregular nursing, which leads to overfilling of the breasts, increases the effects of infections. The breasts become swollen, painful, reddened, hardened, and tender. The infection may be in one or both breasts; it can be localized or spread over an area. Purulent discharges may occur; frequently the discharge indicates abscess formation. Abscesses may remain internal or they may involve the skin. The lymphatic system's nodes and vessels are commonly enlarged and tender also. Acute mastitis accompanied by abscesses is often mistaken for acute inflammatory carcinoma (cancer) of the breasts. In a female child, after birth and during puberty, there may be brief episodes of breast inflammation; these are usually hormone induced and are not caused by bacterial infection.

      Chronic mastitis (fibrocystic disease of the breast) is usually a secondary effect of systemic diseases such as tuberculosis, fungal infections, yeast infections, or syphilis. A relatively uncommon type of mastitis, called plasma cell mastitis, occurs most frequently in older women who have had a number of children and have a history of difficulty in nursing. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish from cancer of the breast. In this disease lymphatic fluids stagnate in the breast, and the stagnated fluids are treated by the body as foreign objects. Plasma cells, white blood cells, and fatty acid crystals accumulate, and fatty tissue suffers degeneration. A hard lump forms under part of the nipple; there may be distortion of the nipple because of the lesion. The nipple area is painful, tender, and inflamed and may exude a cloudy discharge. The milk ducts and lymph nodes are commonly thickened and enlarged. As the condition progresses, small areas of the breast become hardened as the original tissue is destroyed and replaced by fibrous or granular tissue.

      Injury to the breast tissue is sometimes followed by inflammation and necrosis (death) of the fatty tissue resulting in a hard fixed lump with no skin discoloration. The symptoms of mastitis may be present for many years or may arise after a disease of the breast that involves purulent discharges and abscesses.

      Economically, bacterial mastitis is a serious disease of dairy cattle. It is spread by milking machines, by the hands of milkers, and by flies. An afflicted animal may develop gangrene, characterized by discoloration of the teats or udder.

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Universalium. 2010.

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