
/mas'euh nis"euh/, n.
238-149 B.C., king of Numidia c210-149.
Also, Massinissa.

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born с 240
died 148 BC

Ruler of the North African kingdom of Numidia.

Originally an ally of Carthage, he switched sides to help Rome after being persuaded by Scipio Africanus the Elder (206). After winning the Battle of Zama (202), he was awarded a larger kingdom. Though displeased with the presence of Cato's army in Africa (149), he remained faithful to Rome and a client of the Scipios until his death.

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king of Numidia
also spelled  Massinissa 
born c. 238 BC
died 148 BC

      ruler of the North African kingdom of Numidia and an ally of Rome in the last years of the Second Punic War (218201). His influence was lasting because the economic and political development that took place in Numidia under his rule provided the base for later development of the region by the Romans.

      Masinissa was the son of the chieftain of a Numidian tribal group, the Massyli. Brought up in Carthage, of which his father was an ally, he fought for Carthage against the Romans in Spain from 211 to 206. When the Carthaginians were defeated at Ilipa (near modern Sevilla) by Scipio in 206, Masinissa switched sides and promised to assist Scipio in the invasion of Carthaginian territory in Africa. Meanwhile, his father had died; the Romans thereafter supported his claim to the Numidian throne against Syphax, pro-Carthaginian ruler of the Massaesyli tribe. Syphax was successful in driving Masinissa from power until Scipio invaded Africa in 204. Masinissa joined the Roman forces and participated in the victorious Battle of the Great Plains, after which Syphax was captured. His Numidian cavalry were essential in Scipio's victory at Zama (Zama, Battle of), which ended the Second Punic War and Carthage's power.

      After the defeat of Syphax and the Carthaginians, Masinissa became king of both the Massyli and the Massaesyli. He showed unconditional loyalty to Rome, and his position in Africa was strengthened by a clause in the peace treaty of 201 between Rome and Carthage prohibiting the latter from going to war even in self-defense without Roman permission. This enabled Masinissa to encroach on the remaining Carthaginian territory as long as he judged that Rome wished to see Carthage weakened.

      Masinissa's chief aim was to build a strong and unified state from the seminomadic Numidian tribes. To this end he introduced Carthaginian agricultural techniques and forced many Numidians to settle as peasant farmers. Any hopes he may have had of extending his rule across North Africa were dashed when a Roman commission headed by the elderly Marcus Porcius Cato (Cato, Marcus Porcius) came to Africa about 155 to decide a territorial dispute between Masinissa and Carthage. Animated probably by an irrational fear of a Carthaginian revival, but possibly by suspicion of Masinissa's ambitions, Cato thenceforward advocated, finally with success, the destruction of Carthage. Masinissa showed his displeasure when the Roman army arrived in Africa in 149, but he died early in 148 without a breach in the alliance.

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