Martin IV

Martin IV
(Simon de Brie or Simon de Brion) c1210-85, French ecclesiastic: pope 1281-85.

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original name  Simon De Brion, or Brie  
born c. 1210, –20, Brie?, France
died March 28, 1285, Perugia, Papal States [Italy]

      pope from 1281 to 1285.

      Of noble birth, Martin was a member of the council of King Louis IX of France and, in 1260, chancellor and keeper of the great seal. Pope Urban IV created him cardinal about 1261. He was elected pope on Feb. 22, 1281, assuming the name of Martin IV instead of Martin II because of a 13th-century error that misread the names of the two popes Marinus as Martin II and III.

      Soon after his coronation at Orvieto, on March 23, Martin began to reverse the policy of his predecessor, Pope Nicholas III, by restoring Charles of Anjou (Charles I), king of Naples and Sicily, as Roman senator and by favouring his interests in every possible way, even at the expense of union with the Greeks. (Charles apparently had convinced Martin that the only guarantee of a permanent union between East and West was the conquest of the Byzantine Empire.) Martin excommunicated the Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Palaeologus for lack of sincerity in the union's cause shortly before Michael's death (1282). This led to a new break (1283) between the churches of Constantinople and Rome under the Byzantine emperor Andronicus II.

      After the War of the Sicilian Vespers (a massacre of the French in Sicily with which the Sicilians began their revolt in 1282 against Charles) had deprived Charles of possession of Sicily, and the Sicilians had chosen King Peter III the Great of Aragon as ruler, Martin spent the remainder of his pontificate in vain attempts to dislodge him and reinstate Charles. He excommunicated Peter and declared that he had forfeited the kingdom of Aragon, which had been a papal fief since the 11th century. Martin invited Charles's nephew, King Philip III the Bold of France, to take control of Aragon.

      Martin's political enterprises, however, were destined for disaster. A Roman uprising against Charles cost him his senatorship, and a great sea battle between the Aragonese and Angevin fleets resulted in Charles's defeat and in the capture of his son, the future king Charles II of Naples. Philip's campaign in Aragon likewise ended calamitously, followed by Martin's death.

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