Marsilius of Padua

Marsilius of Padua
/mahr sil"ee euhs/
c1280-1343?, Italian scholar and political theorist. Italian, Marsiglio dei Mainardini /mahrdd see"lyaw de"ee muy'nahrdd dee"nee/.

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born с 1280, Padua, Kingdom of Italy
died с 1343, Munich

Italian political philosopher.

He was consultant to the Ghibellines until condemned as a heretic (1327) after writing Defensor pacis (132024) and fleeing to the court of Louis IV of Bavaria. He helped declare Pope John XXII a heretic, install Nicholas V as antipope, and crown Louis emperor (1328). In his secular concept of the state, the power of the church is limited, and political power lies with the people, a theory that influenced the modern idea of the state.

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Italian philosopher
Italian  Marsilio Da Padova  
born c. 1280, , Padua, Kingdom of Italy
died c. 1343, , Munich

      Italian political philosopher whose work Defensor pacis (“Defender of the Peace”), one of the most original treatises on political theory produced during the Middle Ages, significantly influenced the modern idea of the state. He has been variously considered a forerunner of the Protestant Reformation and an architect both of the Machiavellian state and of modern democracy.

      After a brief period as professor and rector at the University of Paris (c. 131214), Marsilius served in Italy as political consultant to the Ghibellines (the pro-Imperial, anti-papal party). He wrote Defensor pacis in Paris between 1320 and 1324. When his authorship of the work, which was severely critical of papal politics, became known (1326), he fled to the Nürnberg court of King Louis IV of Bavaria and later was condemned as a heretic in Italy (1327). While accompanying Louis on his Italian expedition (132728), he joined in declaring Pope John XXII a heretic, installing Nicholas V as anti-pope, and crowning Louis emperor (Rome, 1328), with the authority to dissolve marriages. He remained at Louis's court in Munich for the rest of his life.

      In Defensor pacis, a political polemic, as well as a tract on political theory, Marsilius, applying principles of Aristotle, evolved a secular concept of the state. The unity of the state must be preserved, he holds, by limiting the power of the church hierarchy. The state's principal responsibility is the maintenance of law, order, and tranquillity. The source of all political power and law is the people, among whose rights is the right to choose their ruler. The church's supreme authority in morals and doctrine, he concluded, should be vested in a general council representative of all believerspeople and clergy.

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