
/mahr"kawr/, n., pl. markhors, (esp. collectively) markhor.
a wild goat, Capra falconeri, of mountainous regions from Afghanistan to India, having compressed, spiral horns and long, shaggy hair: all populations are threatened or endangered.
Also, markhoor.
[1865-70; < Pers markhor lit., serpent-eater, equiv. to mar snake + -khor eating; cf. MANTICORE]

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      large wild goat of the family Bovidae (bovid) (order Artiodactyla (artiodactyl)), formerly found throughout the mountains from Kashmir and Turkistan to Afghanistan but now greatly reduced in population and range. The flare-horned markhor (C. f. falconeri) occurs in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India; the straight-horned markhor (C. f. megaceros) lives in Afghanistan and Pakistan; and the Bukharan markhor (C. f. heptneri) is present in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. All subspecies are considered endangered (endangered species) to critically endangered. Habitat loss, overhunting for meat and trophies, and competition from livestock are the main causes of its decline. The markhor stands about 95102 cm (3740 inches) at the shoulder and has long (up to 160 cm [63 inches]) corkscrew-shaped horns. Its coat is reddish brown in summer and long, gray, and silky in winter. The male has a long, heavy fringe on its throat and chest.

Sandro Lovari

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Universalium. 2010.

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