
/mahr"gay/, n.
a small tiger cat, Felis tigrina, of tropical America: now rare.
[1775-85; < F (Buffon), alter. of margaia < Pg maracajá < Tupi marakaya]

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also called  tiger cat  or  tigrillo 
 small cat (family Felidae (feline)) that ranges from South through Central America and, rarely, into the extreme southern United States. Little is known about the habits of the margay. It lives in forests and presumably is nocturnal, feeding on small prey such as birds, frogs, and insects. It is largely arboreal and has specially adapted claws and feet that enable it to scamper up tree trunks and along branches with ease. The margay resembles the related ocelot but has a longer tail and fuller face, emphasized by large, dark eyes and rounded ears. The male attains a maximum length of about 1.1 metres (3.5 feet), including a tail about 46 cm (18 inches) long, and weighs up to about 16 kg (35 pounds). The female is generally smaller and has a relatively longer tail. Coloration varies from pale gray to deep brown with dark markings such as spots, stripes, bands, and black-edged blotches. When hand-reared from a kitten, the margay reportedly is easily tamed; as an adult, however, it may become unpredictable.

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Universalium. 2010.

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