Mao Dun

Mao Dun
/mow" doohn"/, (Shen Yanbing)
1896-1981, Chinese writer.
Also, Wade-Giles, Mao Tun /doohn/.

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or Mao Tun orig. Shen Dehong or Shen Yanbing

born July 4, 1896, Tongxiang, Zhejiang province, China
died March 27, 1981, Beijing

Chinese literary critic, author, and editor.

A founder of the League of Left-Wing Writers (1930), he served as minister of culture after the communist government was established (194964). Many Western critics consider his trilogy of novellas Shi (1930; "Eclipse") to be his masterpiece. English translations of his works include Spring Silkworms and Other Stories (1956) and the novel Rainbow (1992). He is generally considered China's greatest novelist of realism.

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Chinese author
Wade-Giles romanization  Mao Tun , pseudonym of  Shen Yanbing , original name  Shen Dehong 
born July 4, 1896, Tongxiang, Zhejiang province, China
died March 27, 1981, Beijing

      Chinese literary critic and author, generally considered republican China's greatest realist novelist.

      Forced to interrupt his schooling in 1916 because he ran out of money, Shen Yanbing became a proofreader at the Commercial Press in Shanghai, the most important publishing house of the time, and he was soon promoted to editor and translator. In 1920 he and several other young Chinese writers took over editorial control of the 11-year-old journal Xiaoshuo yuebao (“Short-Story Monthly”). With the support of older writers such as Zhou Zuoren, Shen and his colleagues established the Literary Research Association in the same year. Shen edited Xiaoshuo yuebao until 1923 and revamped it into the most important journal ofnew literatureat that time.

      In 1926 Shen, being one of the first members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), joined the Northern Expedition in Guangzhou as secretary to the propaganda department of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee. When the Kuomintang ( Nationalist Party) broke with the CCP in 1927, Shen, pleading illness, fled the confusion to Lushan, where he determined to distance himself from politics.

      During the next year Shen composed three novelettes, later published as a trilogy under the title Shi (1930; “Eclipse”), using the pen name Mao Dun, the Chinese term forcontradiction.” The work, dealing with a youth's involvement in the Northern Expedition, was praised for its brilliant psychological realism. In 1930 he helped found the League of Left-Wing Writers. In the 1930s and '40s Mao Dun published six novels, including Ziye (1933; Midnight), which is commonly considered his representative work, and 16 collections of short stories and prose.

      After the establishment of the communist government in 1949, Mao Dun became the first minister of culture, and, though he was active on several literary and cultural committees, he stopped writing fiction. He was dismissed from his government post in 1964 and made no public appearances during the late 1960s and early 1970s. He was elected chairman of the Chinese Writers' Association in 1978.

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