
/mun"joosh ree'/, n. Buddhism.
a Bodhisattva personifying wisdom.

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In Mahayana Buddhism, the bodhisattva personifying supreme wisdom.

He is usually considered a celestial being, though some traditions give him a human history. Sutras were composed in his honor by AD 250, and he appears in Buddhist art by AD 400. He is often shown wearing princely ornaments and holding aloft the sword of wisdom, and he is sometimes seated on a lion or a blue lotus. His cult spread widely in China in the 8th century, and Mount Wutai in Shanxi province, which is dedicated to him, is covered with his temples.

Manjusri, basalt figure from Java, 1343; formerly in the Museum für Indische Kunst, Staatliche ...

Courtesy of the Museum fur Indische Kunst, Staatliche Museen, Berlin

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      in Mahāyāna Buddhism, the bodhisattva (“Buddha-to-be”) personifying supreme wisdom. His name in Sanskrit meansgentle, or sweet, glory”; he is also known as Mãnjughoṣa (“Sweet Voice”) and Vāgīśvara (“Lord of Speech”). In China he is called Wen-shu Shih-li, in Japan Monju, and in Tibet 'Jam-dpal.

      Although sutras (Buddhist scriptures) were composed in his honour by at least AD 250, he does not seem to have been represented in Buddhist art before AD 400. He is most commonly shown wearing princely ornaments, his right hand holding aloft the sword of wisdom to cleave the clouds of ignorance and his left holding a palm-leaf manuscript of the Prajñāpāramitā. He is sometimes depicted seated on a lion or on a blue lotus; and in paintings his skin is usually yellow in colour.

      His cult spread widely in China in the 8th century, and Mount Wu-t'ai (Wutai, Mount) in Shansi province, which is dedicated to him, is covered with his temples. Though he is usually considered a celestial bodhisattva, some traditions endow him with a human history. He is said to manifest himself in many waysin dreams; as a pilgrim on his sacred mountain; as an incarnation of the monk Vairocana, who introduced Buddhism into Khotan; as the Tibetan reformer Atīśa; and as the emperor of China.

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