
Pers. /ma na"meuh, -ma/, n.
a city in and the capital of Bahrain, on N Bahrain island. 94,697. Also called Al Manamah.

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Arabic Al-Manāmah

City (pop., 1999 est.: 162,000), capital of Bahrain.

Situated at the northeastern tip of Bahrain island, it is Bahrain's largest city, with about one-third of the emirate's population, and is one of the Persian Gulf's most important ports. A commercial and financial centre enriched by Bahrain's oil wealth, it is linked by causeway with the nearby island city of Muḥarraq. First mentioned in Islamic chronicles с 1345, it was taken by the Portuguese in 1521 and by the Ṣafavid Persians in 1602. It has been held, with brief interruptions, by the Khalīfah dynasty since 1783. It was the seat of the British political resident for the Persian Gulf (194671), after which it became the capital of independent Bahrain.

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Arabic  Al-Manāmah,  
 capital and largest city of the state and emirate of Bahrain. It lies at the northeast tip of Bahrain island, in the Persian Gulf. About one-fifth of the emirate's population lives in the city. First mentioned in Islamic chronicles about AD 1345, it was taken by the Portuguese (1521) and by the Persians (1602). It has been held, with brief interruptions, by the ruling Āl Khalīfah dynasty since 1783. Because Bahrain concluded a series of treaties (18611914) placing the country under increasing British protection, there was a British political agent stationed at Manama from 1900, subject to the political resident for the Persian Gulf, whose headquarters were long at Bushire, Iran. In 1946 the residency was moved to Manama, where it remained until the city became the capital of independent Bahrain in 1971.

      Long an important commercial centre of the northern Persian Gulf, the traditional economy was based on pearling, fishing, boatbuilding, and import trade. Harbour facilities were poor; ocean vessels had to anchor in the open roadstead 24 miles (36 km) offshore. The discovery of petroleum on Bahrain (1932) revolutionized the city's economy and appearance, with the construction of many modern buildings. Manama developed as a trade, financial, and commercial centre; it is the seat of numerous banks. The headquarters of the Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO), however, are at Awālīʿ, in the centre of Bahrain island. Manama was declared a free port in 1958, and the new deepwater port facilities of Mīnāʾ Salmān, in the protected bay of al-Qulayʿah Inlet, southeast of the built-up area of the city, were opened in 1962. With storage and refrigeration facilities, and equipment for docking and repair of large oceangoing vessels, it is now one of the most important ports of the Persian Gulf. The island and town of Al-Muḥarraq (Muḥarraq, Al-), Bahrain's second largest community, lies just northeast; the two cities are linked by a causeway 1.5 miles (2.5 km) long. Pop. (2001) 143,035.

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Universalium. 2010.

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