- managed care
a health plan or system that seeks to control medical costs by contracting with a network of providers and by requiring preauthorization for visits to specialists.[1985-90]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Managed Care — ist ein Steuerungsmodell innerhalb des Gesundheitswesens. Zum Verständnis zunächst eine Zusammenfassung des Gegenteils: In einem nicht regulierten, aber nach dem Sozialprinzip geformten Gesundheitssystem sind Angebot, Nachfrage und Finanzierung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Managed care — ist ein Steuerungsmodell innerhalb des Gesundheitswesens. Zum Verständnis zunächst eine Zusammenfassung des Gegenteils: In einem nicht regulierten, aber nach dem Sozialprinzip geformten Gesundheitssystem sind Angebot, Nachfrage und Finanzierung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
managed care — UK US noun [U] ► in the US, a system for providing health services that uses HMOs (= Health Maintenance Organizations: groups that provide health care to people who pay to join them): »Under managed care, private doctors are more inclined to… … Financial and business terms
managed care — noun controlled medical panel, supervised medical care, supervised medical panel Generally:{{}}health care system Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 managed care … Law dictionary
managed care — managed ,care or ,managed health ,care noun uncount * a system for managing medical treatment in the U.S. in which insurance companies control what treatment people can have, instead of doctors or PATIENTS making the decision … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
managed care — n. a plan or system for providing medical services at reduced costs in which those being served agree, variously, to use certain specified doctors and hospitals, to accept a limit on reimbursement if they receive services from sources not… … English World dictionary
Managed care — intended to reduce unnecessary health care costs through a variety of mechanisms, including: economic incentives for physicians and patients to select less costly forms of care; programs for reviewing the medical necessity of specific services;… … Wikipedia
Managed care — Any system that manages healthcare delivery to control costs. Typically, managed care systems rely on a primary care physician who acts as a gatekeeper for other services, such as specialized medical care, surgery, or physical therapy. * * *… … Medical dictionary
Managed Care — Стратегия, разработанная в США в 80 х годах. Комплекс целенаправленных научных, организационно правовых и сервисных мероприятий для застрахованных в каждом отдельном случае болезни, позволяющих добиться экономии денежных средств больничных касс.… … Русско-немецко-английский словарь по здравоохранению
managed care organization — n a company (as an HMO or PPO) offering health care plans with cost controls using managed care called also MCO … Medical dictionary
Managed Care Organization — Pour les articles homonymes, voir MCO. Le Managed Care Organization (MCO) est un type d organisation d assurance maladie aux États Unis. Il compte deux types d organisations avec des modèles différents : les PPO (Preferred provider… … Wikipédia en Français