malted milk

malted milk
1. a soluble powder made of dehydrated milk and malted cereals.
2. a beverage made by dissolving this powder, usually in milk, often with ice cream and flavoring added.
[1885-90, Amer.]

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  • malted milk — n. 1. A milkshake made with malt powder; also called simply a {malted}. [WordNet 1.5] 2. A powder made of dried milk and malted cereals. [WordNet 1.5]) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • malted milk — ☆ malted milk [môlt′id ] 1. a powdered preparation of dried milk and malted cereals 2. a drink made by mixing this with milk and, usually, ice cream and flavoring: also malted n …   English World dictionary

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  • malted milk — noun 1. a milkshake made with malt powder • Syn: ↑malted, ↑malt • Derivationally related forms: ↑maltster (for: ↑malt), ↑malt (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • malted milk — noun Date: 1887 1. a soluble powder prepared from dried milk and malted cereals 2. a beverage made by dissolving malted milk in milk and usually adding ice cream and flavoring called also malted …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • malted milk — malt′ed milk′ n. 1) coo a soluble powder made of dehydrated milk and malted cereals 2) coo a beverage made by dissolving malted milk in milk and usu. adding ice cream and flavoring • Etymology: 1885–90, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • malted milk — N UNCOUNT Malted milk is a drink made from hot or cold milk flavoured with a powder containing malt …   English dictionary

  • Malted milk (biscuit) — Moo dy cow biscuit The malted milk is a type of biscuit, first produced by Elkes Biscuits of Uttoxeter (now owned by Fox s Biscuits) in 1924. They are named after their malt flavouring and milk content. There are three main variations of the… …   Wikipedia

  • malted milk — /mɔltəd ˈmɪlk/ (say mawltuhd milk) noun 1. a soluble powder made by dehydrating a mixture of milk and malted cereals. 2. a beverage made from this powder dissolved, usually in milk …  

  • malted milk — powder mixture of dried milk and malted cereals; malt powder milkshake …   English contemporary dictionary

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