
/mal"euh kuyt'/, n.
1. a green mineral, basic copper carbonate, Cu2CO3(OH)2, an ore of copper, used for making ornamental articles.
2. a ceramic ware made in imitation of this.
[1350-1400; < Gk malách(e) MALLOW + -ITE1; r. ME melochites < MF melochite, repr. L molochitis < Gk molochîtis, deriv. of molóche, var. of MALÁCHE]

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Widespread carbonate mineral of copper, a hydrous copper carbonate, Cu2CO3(OH)2.

Because of its distinctive, bright green colour and its presence in the weathered zone of nearly all copper deposits, malachite serves as a prospecting guide. It is found in Siberia, France, Namibia, and Arizona. Malachite has been used as an ornamental stone and as a gemstone.

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 a minor ore but a widespread mineral of copper, basic copper carbonate, Cu2CO3(OH)2. Because of its distinctive bright green colour and its presence in the weathered zone of nearly all copper deposits, malachite serves as a prospecting guide for that metal. Notable occurrences are Nizhne-Tagilsk, Siberia; Chessy, Fr.; Tsumeb, Namibia; and Bisbee, Ariz., U.S. Malachite has been used as an ornamental stone and as a gemstone. It is more abundant and widespread than azurite, with which it is usually found. For detailed physical properties, see carbonate mineral (table).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • malachite — [ malaʃit; malakit ] n. f. • 1685; melochite XIIe; lat. molochitis, mot gr., de molokhê ou malakhê « mauve » ♦ Carbonate de cuivre naturel, pierre d un beau vert diapré utilisée dans la fabrication d objets d art. Écritoire en malachite. ●… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Malachite — Mal a*chite, n. [Fr. Gr. mala chh a mallow, from its resembling the green color of the leaf of mallows: cf. F. malachite. Cf. {Mallow}.] (Min.) Native hydrous carbonate of copper, usually occurring in green mammillary masses with concentric… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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