
/meuh kas"euhr/, n.
a former name of Ujung Pandang.
Also, Macassar, Makasar.

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also spelled  Macassar , or  Makasar , formerly  Ujungpandang , or  Ujung Pandang 

      kotamadya (municipality) and capital of South Sulawesi (Sulawesi Selatan) propinsi (province), Indonesia. It lies on the western side of the most southerly peninsula of Celebes.

      Already a flourishing port when the Portuguese arrived in the 16th century, Makassar subsequently came under control of the Dutch, who built a trading station in 1607 and finally deposed the sultan in 1667. It was briefly (194649) the capital of the Dutch-sponsored state of East Indonesia (Indonesia Timur). The people, the Makassarese, are a branch of the Malay people and are closely related to the Buginese.

      The main exports from Makassar are copra, gums and resins, rubber, coffee, and rattan. The port is also a distribution centre for other parts of Celebes, the Moluccas, and the Lesser Sunda Islands. There is an airport, and good roads link the city to the hinterland.

      Cultural amenities include Hasanuddin University (founded 1956), a major university of eastern Indonesia. There are historical exhibits in the restored Dutch fort that guards the harbour. Nestled in forest-clad hills to the northeast is a cave with prehistoric art. Also nearby is the Bantimurung waterfall. Pop. (2005) 1,194,583.

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