
/mayn"land', -leuhnd/, n.
1. the principal land of a country, region, etc., as distinguished from adjacent islands or a peninsula: the mainland of Greece.
2. (in Hawaii) the 48 contiguous states of the U.S.
[1325-75; ME; see MAIN1, LAND]

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also called  Pomona 

      central and largest of the Orkney Islands of Scotland, which lie off the northern tip of the Scottish mainland. The shores of this irregularly shaped island are deeply indented (from north and south, respectively) by the inlets of Kirkwall Bay and Scapa Flow, reducing its width to less than 2 miles (3 km) at one point. The island, a rich and progressive agricultural area, is low-lying; Ward Hill, the highest point, has an elevation of only 881 feet (269 metres). There are numerous lakes well stocked with trout. The island shows signs of very early occupation, including the Neolithic village of Skara Brae, the great barrow (earthwork) of Maeshowe tumulus, the Standing Stones of Stenness, the Ring of Brodgar stone circles, and such monoliths as the Stone of Odin; these locations and others collectively were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1999. Kirkwall, the administrative centre of the Orkneys, and Stromness, situated on the west coast, are the only towns. The former British naval base of Scapa Flow, where the German navy surrendered after World War I, lies to the south. Pop. (2001) 15,339.

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  • mainland — main‧land [ˈmeɪnlənd, lænd] noun the mainland the main area of land that forms a country, rather than the islands near to it that are also part of it: • Continental Airlines serves Hawaii from the mainland. mainland adjective [only before a noun] …   Financial and business terms

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  • Mainland — (spr. mehnländ). 1) Größte der Shetlandinseln, 938 qkm, 20.800 E.; Hauptstadt Lerwick. – 2) M. oder Pomona, Hauptinsel der Orkney Inseln, 527 qkm, 17.200 E.; Hauptort Kirkwall …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mainland — (Mehnländ), Pomona, die größte der shetländischen Inseln, 10 QM. groß, mit 18000 E., die von Fischerei, Viehzucht und der Fabrikation wollener Strümpfe leben; M. hat eine eigene Art kleiner Pferde …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Mainland —   [ meɪnlənd],    1) Hauptinsel der Orkneyinseln, Schottland, 503 km2, 15 100 Einwohner; bis 269 m über dem Meeresspiegel, von zahlreichen glazial entstandenen Seen bedeckt, stark gegliederte Küste. Hauptort ist Kirkwall, 6 500 Einwohner.    2)… …   Universal-Lexikon

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