
/meuh door"euh/ for 1; /maj"euhr euh/ for 2, n.
1. Dutch, Madoera. an island in Indonesia, off the NE coast of Java. 76,100,000 with Java; 2112 sq. mi. (5470 sq. km).
2. Also, Madurai /mad"yoo ruy'/. a city in S Tamil Nadu, in S India. 548,298.

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Island, Jawa Timur province, Indonesia, off northeastern Java.

Its capital is Pamekasan. With an area of 2,042 sq mi (5,290 sq km), it has a hilly terrain rising to more than 1,400 ft (430 m) in the east. Dutch influence was established in the late 17th century. Madura was attached to Java as a residency in 1885 and became part of Indonesia in 1949. Bull races, usually held in September, attract huge crowds.

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also spelled  Madoera 
 island, Jawa Timur provinsi (province), Indonesia, off the northeastern coast of Java and separated from the city of Surabaya by a narrow, shallow channel. The island, which covers an area of 2,042 square miles (5,290 square km), has an undulating surface rising to 700 feet (210 metres) in the west and to more than 1,400 feet (430 metres) in the east.

      The climate, flora, and fauna of Madura resemble those of eastern Java, but the soil is generally dry and infertile. Kapok, copra, and coconut oil are important products, as is teak from forests in the northwest. The principal industries are cattle raising and salt panning, the latter a government monopoly. A fishing fleet of several thousand long, swift praus (sailing craft) is based at Madura. Petroleum is extracted on a small scale.

      The Madurese, formerly a source of labour for estates on other islands, are still known as migrant workers and traders in much of Java. They are Muslims by religion. Bull races, usually held in September, attract huge crowds. Madura's main city is Pamekasan, in the south-central part of the island; other towns are Sumenep in the east, near which are the tombs of the Sumenep princes; Bangkalan, on the western coast, with the old palace of the sultan and an interesting mosque; and, on the southern coast, Sampang, Kamal, and Kalianget. Roads run along the northern and southern coasts and across the centre of the island but, except for the Kamal-Pamekasan road, are of poor quality.

      Dutch influence was established in Madura late in the 17th century. Three regencies, established by the Dutch, were united in 1885 under a residency attached to Java. Madura became part of Indonesia in 1949.

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