
Madrilenian /mah'dreuh lee"nee euhn, -leen"yeuhn/, adj., n.
/meuh drid"/; Sp. /mah dhrddeedh"/, n.
a city in and the capital of Spain, in the central part. 3,500,000.

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Autonomous community (pop., 2001: 5,423,384), central Spain.

It occupies an area of 3,100 sq mi (8,028 sq km), and its capital is Madrid. The province extends across the southern slopes of the Guadarrama Mountains and roughly coincides with the region drained by the Jarama, Henares, and Manzanares rivers. It was the scene of several decisive battles during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39). All the national railways converge in the province. The Somo Mountain Pass provides access to the northeast through the central mountains.
City (pop., 2001: city, 2,938,723; metro. area, 5,086,635), capital of Spain and of Madrid autonomous community.

Located on the central plateau of the Iberian Peninsula, 2,100 ft (635 m) above sea level, it is one of Europe's highest capitals. The original town grew up around the Moorish alcazar (castle), overlooking the Manzanares River. King Alfonso VI captured the town from the Muslims in 1083. Philip II moved the Spanish court to Madrid in 1561, and in 1607 Philip III made it the official capital. It was occupied by French troops during the Napoleonic Wars but returned to Spanish control in 1812. During the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), Madrid was held by those loyal to the Republic. Spain's principal transportation centre for the interior provinces, it is an important commercial, industrial, and cultural centre. Major institutions include the Prado Museum and the University of Madrid.

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      city, capital of Spain and of Madrid provincia (province). Spain's arts and financial centre, the city proper and province form a comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) in central Spain.

      Madrid's status as the national capital reflects the centralizing policy of the 16th-century Spanish king Philip II and his successors. The choice of Madrid, however, was also the result of the city's previous obscurity and neutrality; it was chosen because it lacked ties with an established, nonroyal power, rather than because of any strategic, geographic, or economic considerations. Indeed, Madrid is deficient in other characteristics that might qualify it for a leading role. It does not lie on a major river, as so many European cities do; the 16th–17th century dramatist Lope de Vega (Vega, Lope de), referring to a magnificent bridge over the distinctly unimposing waters of the Manzanares, suggested either selling the bridge or buying another river. Madrid does not possess mineral deposits or other natural wealth, nor was it ever a destination of pilgrimages, although its patron saint, San Isidro, enjoys the all-but-unique distinction of having been married to another saint. Even the city's origins seem inappropriate for a national capital: its earliest historical role was as the site of a small Moorish fortress on a rocky outcrop—part of the northern defenses of what was then the far more important city of Toledo, located about 43 miles (70 km) south-southwest.

      Madrid was officially made the national capital by Philip III, an entire generation after Philip II took the court to Madrid in 1561. Under the patronage of Philip II and his successors, Madrid developed into a city of curious contrasts, preserving its old, overcrowded centre, around which developed palaces, convents, churches, and public buildings. Pop. (2006 est.) 3,128,600.

Physical and human geography

The landscape
The city site and climate
      Madrid lies almost exactly at the geographical heart of the Iberian Peninsula. It is situated on an undulating plateau of sand and clay known as the Meseta (Meseta Central) (derived from the Spanish word mesa, “table”) at an elevation of some 2,120 feet (646 metres) above sea level, making it one of the highest capitals in Europe. This location, together with the proximity of the Sierra de Guadarrama, is partly responsible for the weather pattern of cold, crisp winters accompanied by sharp winds. Sudden variations of temperature are possible, but summers are consistently dry and hot, becoming especially oppressive in July and August, when temperatures sometimes rise above 100 °F (38 °C). Average temperatures range between 41 and 75 °F (5 and 24 °C), while average precipitation varies between a low of less than 0.5 inch (11 mm) in July up to about 2 inches (50 mm) in October, usually the rainiest month of the year. The temperate times of year are spring and fall, which are also the most attractive seasons for visitors.

The city layout
 Madrid is a city of contrasting styles, reflecting clearly the different periods in which change and development took place. The old centre, a maze of small streets around a few squares in the vicinity of the imposing Plaza Mayor, contrasts with the stately Neoclassical buildings and grand boulevards created by the most eminent architects of their day. Modern office buildings in the centre and swaths of apartment blocks around the outskirts attest to the styles and economic realities of present-day development.

 Much of Madrid gives the impression of being cramped. When Madrid was first made the capital, the king obliged the city's inhabitants to let a floor of their houses to ambassadors and visiting dignitaries, which prompted many people to build structures with only one floor or sometimes (in the so-called casas a la malicia, or “spite houses”) with two floors but with a facade giving the impression of only one. Subsequent development of the city generated an enormous demand for land, particularly with the extensive construction of public buildings and convents. The last of Madrid's four sets of city walls was built in 1625 and was not demolished until 1860 (by which time the population of the city had quadrupled). The situation was not alleviated even when Napoleon (Napoleon I)'s brother Joseph Bonaparte (Bonaparte, Joseph), who briefly interrupted the Bourbon (Bourbon, House of) line of kings, demolished the convents to create more open space. Joseph's nickname El Rey Plazuelas (“King of the Small Plazas”)—one of the few complimentary ones he was given—derived from the squares he created. They did little to appease the ecclesiastical authorities, whose alienation contributed to his downfall. One of the squares, the Plaza de Oriente, facing the palace of the same name, was cleared of 56 houses, a library, a church, and several convents.

 “Los Madriles” (“the Madrids”) is a traditional phrase that acknowledges the fact that each barrio (quarter) has developed its own style. There was also a geographical and social distinction among the geographically placed barrios altos (upper quarters), barrios centrales (middle quarters), and barrios bajos (lower quarters). The last, spilling downhill from the Plaza Mayor along the Calle de Toledo toward the river, are still poor, albeit picturesque. Later development, also accommodating Madrid's poorer citizens, spread down toward the reclaimed marshland on both sides of the river, where low-cost housing can still be found. Construction of the Valdecarros district in the southeast of Madrid's municipality, expected to house about 150,000 residents, began in 2007. Just over the brow of the hill is the Rastro, the popular flea market. Despite a number of urban development plans, Madrid did not spread into the open spaces around it, not even crossing the Manzanares River until 1948. By contrast, the city as a whole has some extensive parks, with more open space overall than Paris. Some, like El Pardo or Casa de Campo, are survivals of hunting parks; the Retiro, on the other hand, is the site of a former royal palace.

      Madrid has not escaped the problems common to so many modern cities. Pollution can be intense, and severe traffic congestion is common. Personal safety is not as certain as it once was in the days of the serenos (night watchmen). But the city has preserved the charm, character, and vivacity that give it and its inhabitants a style of their own—an important aspect of modern Spain, where each region seeks to express its own identity.

The people
      The flow of migration to Madrid, attracted chiefly by the city's expanding industrial belt in the 1950s and '60s, has created a modern population representative of the entire Spanish country. A traditional nickname for the Madrileños is gatos (“cats”), originally coined in the Middle Ages as a reference to the ability of local troops to scale castle walls. It would be no less apt as a reference to the local lifestyle and the late hours kept by the city's inhabitants, although keeping late hours is also common in other parts of Spain, especially in the heat of summer. People eat late, theatres and cinemas begin performances late as a matter of course, and the siesta is by no means dead, although the introduction of modern business methods and the influx of foreign interests have tended to alter the traditional workday, doing away with the long midday break. The city offers a wealth of cultural events and entertainments; its cultivated people tend to be widely read, while the youth are up-to-date with the latest pop music. The number of casas regionales—regional clubs catering to people who have come from all over the country to work—reflects the source of labour for Madrid's industrial and commercial sectors. Madrid also has taken on a cosmopolitan character with the influx of immigrants, particularly from Latin America but also from Asia, elsewhere in Europe, and North Africa. Madrid is a city that, with its style and flair, absorbs and holds those who live there or know it. Its inhabitants have a reputation for being attached to it; in the words of a local proverb, “From Madrid to heaven, and in heaven a little window from which to see it.”

The economy
      Being the centre of government, finance, and insurance has long contributed to the prosperity of the capital, as have tourism and the city's position as Spain's transportation hub. Following the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), the city became an important manufacturing centre for the automotive and aircraft industries and for electric and electronic equipment, metallurgical manufactures, and optics, as well as for the production of plastics, rubber, and consumer goods. Madrid, with Barcelona, dominates publishing in Spain. Despite the traditional preeminence of industry, services now account for some four-fifths of employment in the capital. Madrid is home to the Spanish Stock Market, one of Europe's busiest.

      The road and rail systems both converge on the capital from all corners of the country. A subway system, the Metro, serves Madrid with various lines that extend throughout the city. Barajas Airport, Madrid's international airport, lies about 8 miles (13 km) east of the city. A motorway (expressway) system encircles Madrid in a roughly pentagonal shape, coming to a point in the south. Other major motorways radiate from the encircling artery in all directions. There are numerous bus routes operated by municipal and private authorities, serving both the city's residents and those commuting from the metropolitan municipalities. Suburban trains also serve commuters. The road-building programs of the 1960s, when much was sacrificed to the convenience of automobile owners, have since been recognized as less than wholly beneficial. Some of the overpasses that were introduced to speed up traffic flow have since been dismantled.

Administration and social conditions
      With the return of democracy to Spain in the late 1970s and the development of autonomous regional governments, more emphasis has been placed on local consultation and issues such as the future of the environment. In 1982 the city administration carried out a massive public opinion survey to find out what people really wanted at the neighbourhood level. The resulting General Ordinance Plan (Plan General de Ordenación) attempted to establish a long-term, full-scale scheme for future directed growth, aiming not only to modernize the infrastructure of essential services but also to improve the quality of life in the city. Local administration is under the direction of a mayor and city council, elected every four years.

      Despite the introduction of the autonomous regions, Madrid continues to be the focus of Spain's government. It is also a bishopric, headquarters of the army corps, and residence of the captain general of the first military region. Moreover, the Supreme Court and government ministries are located there, as is the Cortes Generales (the Spanish parliament), which is housed in a 19th-century Neoclassical building. Characterized by the bronze lions (made from melted down Moorish cannon) flanking the entrance, it is one of the smallest parliament buildings in Europe.

Cultural life
 Modern pressures have perhaps inhibited the extensive street life for which Madrid has been famous, although people still live very much in the streets, especially during the intense heat of summer when the café terraces fill and people stroll up and down in the evenings. Modern culture, in the form of film, theatre, and music, is extensively represented, as is to be expected in a city with several major universities and academies. But the tertulias for which Madrid was once noted—that is to say, the informal conversational gatherings and informal societies—have all but faded, along with the elegant cafés that housed them. Madrid's literary traditions, its associations with Lope de Vega, Pedro Calderón de la Barca (Calderón de la Barca, Pedro), Miguel de Cervantes (Cervantes, Miguel de), Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Villegas (Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gómez de), Benito Pérez Galdós (Pérez Galdós, Benito), Mariano José de Larra (Larra, Mariano José de), Pío Baroja (Baroja, Pío), and Azorín, continue in the city's varied cultural life, as demonstrated by the fact that it is one of the major publishing centres for the Spanish-speaking world.

 Modern Madrid has attractions at all levels. Las Ventas—the largest bullring in Spain, with a capacity of some 25,000 people—is where novice bullfighters (bullfighting) have to display their skills in the alternativa (the occasion on which a matador kills his first bull) in order to become established. The bullfighting season runs from March to October. There are two major football (soccer) teams (Real Madrid and Club Atlético de Madrid), and the annual matches against the Barcelona squads are among the high points of the year. Important matches are played in two stadiums, Santiago Bernabéu (home of Real Madrid) and Vicente Calderón (Club Atlético). The verbenas, special fiestas held in each quarter in honour of its patron saint, are regular public events, especially in warm weather, with San Isidro (mid-May) taking pride of place. The zarzuelas (zarzuela) (light opera of mildly satirical flavour, indulging in topical comment and set by tradition in Madrid) are commonly held in the open air at this time. There are in fact more than 40 parks and public gardens, the principal ones being the Retiro, Campo del Moro, Casa de Campo, and Oeste Park, not to mention the curious temple of Debod (an ancient Egyptian temple acquired by Spain at the time of the construction of the Aswān High Dam) near Rosales, with splendid panoramic views of the western side of the city.

 Madrid is home to many varied museums. Unusual ones include those for theatre, the military, railways, and (understandably enough for Spain) tauromaquia, the bullfight. The city is richly endowed with artistic masterpieces: tapestries in the Casa de Cisneros (the mayor's residence) and the Royal Palace; paintings by Pieter Bruegel, the Elder (Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder), and Titian in the convent of the Descalzas Reales; and Spanish and foreign masters in the Palacio de Liria, home of the dukes of Alba. The most famous collection is housed in the Prado Museum, which displays the artworks collected by the Spanish monarchy over the ages and reflects the pattern of Spain's alliances. Charles V and Philip II were patrons of Venetian art; Philip IV was a great collector in the 17th century; and the accession of the Bourbon family led to an influx of French works. Spain's control of the Netherlands led to a solid Flemish section. El Casón del Buen Retiro is nearby and houses 19th- and 20th-century works. The collection of the Queen Sofia Museum (El Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia), sited in a building that was once a general hospital, includes Pablo Picasso (Picasso, Pablo)'s Guernica, which in 1981 was sent to Spain (originally to Buen Retiro) from New York City in accordance with Picasso's directive that the painting be moved there only after democracy had returned to the country. Other fine museums include the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, specializing in paintings; the National Archaeological Museum; the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of the San Fernando Museum, with sculptures and porcelains; and the Museum of the Americas.

 Notable among an abundance of libraries are the prestigious National Library and the Library of the Royal Palace, acclaimed for its historic collection. Madrid is also famous for its secondhand bookshops, and the Feria del Libro (book fair), held in the spring, is a widely heralded event.

 Madrid is Spain's foremost centre of higher education and includes several of the country's leading universities, including the Open University (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), the Complutensian University of Madrid (Madrid, Complutensian University of), and the Polytechnical University, all in Ciudad Universitaria (University City), and the Autonomous University to the north. There are several other public and private universities in the city.


The early period
      The Arab town, or medina, grew around the alcazar (castle) on a promontory overlooking the Manzanares River. The name Majerit first appears in AD 932, when the Christian king Ramiro II of León razed the town's walls, but there are traces of earlier (even prehistoric) habitation. The Christian king Alfonso VI of Castile and León captured the town from the Muslims in 1083, and thereafter a number of kings of Castile spent time there. The parliament (Cortes) was called there as early as 1309. The alcazar was damaged in an earthquake in 1466 and the subsequent medieval palace was extended by various monarchs, notably Charles I (Charles V) and Philip II. During this period the town grew to the east up both sides of what are now the Calle Mayor and the Calle de Segovia, with the Moors (who continued to live there until after the Christian reconquest of Spain was completed in 1492) jammed into the southwest corner, which is still called the Moreria. The whole of the city at this time was only about 500 by 900 yards (450 by 825 metres) in area. Some of the street patterns of the pre-16th-century city remain, but few buildings; one that still stands is the much-restored Casa de los Lujanes, where it is believed the French king Francis I was once held prisoner. Charles I enjoyed hunting near Madrid, and it is said that the widening of the city gates to accommodate his carriages opened the cramped streets to heavier traffic, a process that was to increase when the court was properly established in the city. By 1598 the population of Madrid had reached 60,000, and by the time of the first extant plan of Madrid (Pedro Teixeira's in 1656) it had grown to be an imposing city of 100,000 people and 11,000 buildings.

      Under the Habsburg (Habsburg, House of) monarchs (known in Spain as the house of the Austrias), Madrid expanded even more rapidly. The foreign ministry (1634), the Casa de Cisneros, and the Segovia Bridge date from this time, as does the church of San Isidro el Real. Architects such as Juan de Herrera (Herrera, Juan de) and Francisco de Mora contributed to the monumental quality of the city. But the most striking contribution of this period is generally considered to be the Plaza Mayor, designed by Juan Gómez de Mora and built between 1617 and 1619; it was modified after the great fire of 1790. Graceful in concept, it is surrounded by five-story houses with balconies and topped with steeples. Nine archways open onto the plaza at oblique angles from surrounding streets, and the continuous arcade at street level contains shops and restaurants. Bullfights (in those days conducted by noblemen on horseback), fireworks displays, and plays all took place there, as did the grim ceremonies of the inquisition. Until 1765 public garrotings were also carried out there. The last bullfight to take place in the Plaza Mayor was in honour of the wedding of Isabella II in 1846.

Development under the Bourbon (Bourbon, House of) kings
      An equally impressive landmark dates from the next great phase of the city's growth, under the Bourbons, whose side Madrid took against the Habsburgs in the War of the Spanish Succession (Spanish Succession, War of the) (1701–14), although the city was briefly occupied by pro-Habsburg troops. The Royal Palace was begun by Philip V after the disastrous fire that destroyed the Alcazár on Christmas night, 1734. His grandiose plan, with 23 inner courts, was never realized, although the finished work did have 500 rooms. It was a fitting addition to the other major city features created under his patronage—the Royal Spanish Academy, the National Library, and the Royal Academy of History. The Royal Palace, with its elegant granite and limestone walls, contains a ceiling by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista) in the throne room and, in the Armeria, one of the world's finest collections of armour, including the swords of the conquistadores Hernán Cortés (Cortés, Hernán, marqués del Valle de Oaxaca) and Francisco Pizarro (Pizarro, Francisco). The last king of Spain actually to live there was Alfonso XIII, whose apartments have been preserved just as he left them when he abdicated in 1931. The royal family now resides in the more private and less ostentatious La Zarzuela Palace, set in its own grounds to the northwest of Madrid. A less important palace, Buen Retiro, was also favoured by the Bourbon kings; its gardens, which were much admired for their French style, are still a much frequented open space.

 The greatest Bourbon builder was Charles III (1759–88), who is known as the mayor-king for his interest in the growth and development of the city and his many contributions to its skyline. This was the age of Enlightenment, and Charles tried to establish a harmony between leisure and science, culture and industry. His style was cosmopolitan, reflecting the tastes of the Europe of his time. With his concern for the appearance of the city, its gates, avenues, and trees, he anticipated the designs of modern city planners. He relied heavily in his schemes on the works of three Neoclassical architects, Francisco Sabatini, Ventura Rodríguez, and Juan de Villanueva. During this period the city continued to grow eastward to the present Plaza de la Independencia, which is the site of a monumental arch, the Puerta de Alcalá, built in 1778 and still a key landmark.

      One of Madrid's most popular and busiest squares is Puerta del Sol (“Sun Gate”). The original post office building (1768) is located there (the building is now the seat of the Madrid community). All distances in the country are measured from the zero-kilometre stone beneath its wall. Aside from being a basis for numbering Spain's roads, the zero-kilometre stone is the symbolic centre of Spain, and it is where many rallies, protests, and other gatherings have taken place. Puerta del Sol is particularly popular on New Year's Eve, when Madrileños go to hear the clock strike midnight and to eat the 12 grapes that supposedly ensure good luck in the following months. In earlier times the square was significant because of the stagecoaches that left from there to all parts of the peninsula. Its appeal made it the site of various innovations in urban amenities, from the first gas lamps in 1830 through the first mule trams and first public urinal to the first electric streetlights and electric streetcars. Charles III set up the Botanic Garden (which still exists), with a “physic” garden from which anybody could (and still can) collect medicinal herbs. He planned a natural history and science museum next to it but died before it could be completed.

      Madrid was occupied by French troops during the Napoleonic Wars, and Napoleon's brother Joseph was installed on the throne. On May 2, 1808, there was a mass uprising against Joseph, leading to what the Spaniards term the Guerra de la Independencia (“War of Independence”). Ferdinand VII, on his return in 1814 from imprisonment by Napoleon, bestowed the title of “heroic” upon the city. In 1819 the building intended by Charles III to house a natural history and science museum was completed. Into it Ferdinand moved artworks of the royal collection, until then scattered among various palaces. This was the start of what was to become one of the world's major art galleries, the Prado. The Madrid of this period can still be studied in close detail, thanks to the remarkable model constructed by León Gil Palacios in 1830. It was during this period that the city expanded to the north, under the direction of Joaquín Vizcaíno, a nobleman who was also mayor (as was customary at the time). He is also known as the man who introduced such innovations as street numbers for buildings, street lighting, and municipal refuse collection. The Paseo del Prado was extended by a new boulevard, called the Paseo de los Recoletos. This area, for years presenting an almost rural atmosphere, being bordered by imposing town houses with great gardens, is now the site of tall office blocks, apartment buildings, luxury hotels, and embassies, as well as the National Library, the National Archaeological Museum, the Queen Sofia Arts Centre, and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. One of the area's mansions, now converted into a bank, belonged to the marqués de Salamanca, who in 1872 also contributed to the drive northward by building 28 streets on a grid plan, starting from the Calle de Alcalá and parallel to the Paseo. Still bearing his name, this area remains one of the most elegant barrios in Madrid.

      Somewhat earlier, in 1860, the Plan Castro—also referred to as the Ensanche (“Widening”)—had further expanded and modernized the city, adding convenience and meeting the economic and commercial needs of the time. It was the first comprehensive, forward-looking modern plan for Madrid. However, it was to be frustrated by population growth, land speculation, and the poor areas that sprang up outside the planned zones.

Modern Madrid
      Other plans followed the Plan Castro: Arturo Soria's linear city of 1892, with a planned 31-mile (50-km) axis stretching away from the city and served by a suburban railroad; and the satellite city idea of Núñez Granes (1910). Neither of these found support. It was in 1910 that a major new landmark appeared. The barrio of San Bernardo was bisected by a broad way running from the Calle de Alcalá downhill to the Plaza de España, which is where the city's first high-rise commercial buildings were erected. This, the Gran Vía, was designed to be the main street of the city, and it has a characteristic vitality, with cinemas, coffeehouses, shops, and banks. Following the Civil War, it was renamed Avenida José Antonio after the founder of the Spanish fascist party, the Falange Española. Many streets and squares acquired new names at this time, but since Franco's death most have reverted to their old ones. Another famous landmark, the Palacio de Comunicaciones in Cibeles Square, dates from about 1909. (In 2007 the Town Hall was transferred to this building.)

      With the advent of the Republic in 1931, radial and ring roads appeared, and the Paseo de la Castellana was extended even farther. The city suffered heavily in the Civil War (Spanish Civil War), with two years of aerial and artillery bombardment and combat lines drawn up as close as University City in western and northwestern Madrid. War damage to public buildings was repaired, and ambitious reconstruction plans were drawn up, but once again these were by and large unsuccessful in practice. The city spread outward, swallowing its own suburbs; between 1948 and 1951 Madrid burgeoned to cover a total of 205 square miles (531 square km), an approximately 10-fold growth rate. Land speculation, uncontrolled urban sprawl, and industrial development led to the changes of the 1960s, which, in common with the experience of many European cities, caused often irreparable damage to aspects of the city's cultural heritage. A 1963 plan redirected growth without controlling it. Legislation passed in the 1980s and '90s protects many of the city's most prized structures, and there is emphasis on preserving older buildings, even if only elements of them can be saved.

      During the 1980s and '90s, major remodeling programs were inaugurated, and tens of thousands of new residences were constructed. A National Music Auditorium opened in 1990 along Calle Príncipe de Vergara, and during the decade several major building projects were undertaken, including the construction of a new railway station, and several cultural institutions, such as the Queen Sofia Museum, opened. Adjacent to the Royal Palace and near the Plaza de Oriente is Almudena Cathedral, now the city's main cathedral. Construction began in 1883, but its completion was long delayed by work stoppages (because of financial constraints and the Spanish Civil War), and it was consecrated in 1993 by Pope John Paul II (a statue of whom is located on the grounds). Solidifying its role as a thriving metropolis, Madrid was designated the European Capital of Culture for 1992.

      On March 11, 2004, Madrid suffered a devastating series of terrorist (terrorism) attacks when 10 bombs, detonated by Islamist militants, exploded on four trains at three different rail stations during rush hour. The attacks killed 191 people and injured some 1,800 others. Notwithstanding this tragedy, Madrid remained a major tourist attraction and a focus of Spanish political and cultural life in the 21st century.

Blake Ehrlich Timothy John Connell Vicente Rodriguez

Additional Reading

General works
Descriptive guides include Hugh Thomas (ed.), A Traveller's Companion to Madrid (2005); Alastair Boyd and Richard Oliver, The Companion Guide to Madrid and Central Spain, 4th ed. (2002); and Adam Hopkins, Mark Little, and Edward Owen, Madrid (1999, reprinted with revisions 2003). Archibald Lyall, Well Met in Madrid (1960); and Elena Sainz, Living in Madrid (1981), are more-personal accounts. Nina Epton, Madrid (1964), describes the inhabitants of the various quarters of the city; and Michael Kenny, A Spanish Tapestry: Town and Country in Castile (1969), compares life in Madrid with that in a rural parish.

Cultural institutions
Harry B. Wehle, Great Paintings from the Prado Museum (1963), includes a sketch of the museum's history. F.J. Sanchez Canton, The Prado, trans. from French by James Cleugh, new rev. ed. (1966), also includes a historical essay. Manuel Lorente, The Prado, Madrid, 2 vol. (1965), is an impressive collection of reproductions. Other surveys of the Prado collection include Javier Portús Pérez and M. Leticia Ruiz Gómez, The Prado: Masterpieces (2003; originally published in Spanish, 2003); Felipe Vicente Garín Llombart, Treasures of the Prado (1993); Santiago Alcolea Blanch, The Prado, trans. from Spanish by Richard-Lewis Rees and Angela Patricia Hall (1991); and Alessandro Bettagno et al., The Prado Museum (1996). Jonathan Brown and J.H. Elliott, A Palace for a King: The Buen Retiro and the Court of Philip IV (1980), is a well-researched description of the pleasure palace and its notable art collection. Elizabeth Nash, Madrid: A Cultural and Literary Companion (2001), is an engaging and informative guide that takes an anecdotal approach to many of the city's cultural sites. Juan Antonio Cabezas, Madrid, 3rd ed. (1971), examines districts and cultural institutions of the capital. Selma Holo, Beyond the Prado: Museums and Identity in Democratic Spain (1999), argues that Spanish museums have played a pivotal role in fostering democracy in modern Spain.

Deborah L. Parsons, A Cultural History of Madrid: Modernism and the Urban Spectacle (2003), focuses on the period from 1900 to the early 1930s. Modern history, especially the Spanish Civil War, is presented in George Hills, Battle for Madrid (1976); and Dan Kurzman, Miracle of November: Madrid's Epic Stand, 1936 (1980). The city's development from a small town to a capital is the subject of Jesús Escobar, The Plaza Mayor and the Shaping of Baroque Madrid (2004). David R. Ringrose, Madrid and the Spanish Economy, 1560–1850 (1983), examines the city's role in the national economy.Vicente Rodriguez

▪ autonomous area, Spain
 comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of central Spain, coextensive with the provincia (province) of the same name. It is bounded by the autonomous communities of Castile-León to the north and west and Castile–La Mancha to the east and south. The autonomous community of Madrid was established by the statute of autonomy of Feb. 25, 1983. The capital is the city of Madrid. Area 3,097 square miles (8,022 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 6,081,689.

      The Madrid autonomous community roughly coincides with the drainage of the Jarama, Henares, and Manzanares rivers off the southern slopes of the Sierra de Guadarrama. On the monotonous Meseta Central the terrain is a bare, typically Castilian landscape of yellow soils and open cereal fields; it was the scene of several decisive battles during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39). Pine forests, preserved on the mountain slopes, attract a new style of summer suburbia for residents of Madrid city (the provincial and national capital) and provide ski facilities in the winter. Only along the Henares and Jarama do irrigated lands give ribbons of green, intensive horticulture; on the outskirts of Greater Madrid are poultry and pig farms interspersed with the development of villas or factories along the main highways. Well-endowed with building materials, the region has granite quarries in the Guadarrama and clays to the south.

      An important factor in transport and communications is the relative ease of access via passes over the central mountains, notably the Somosierra Mountain Pass (4,650 feet [1,417 metres]) to the northeast, which is used by road and the Burgos railway. The Madrid-Segovia rail route travels through Navacerrada Pass (6,100 feet [1,860 metres]). All the major railways converge in the region, and a high-speed train links Madrid city to Barcelona city.

Vicente Rodriguez

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  • MADRID — Parmi les grandes capitales, Madrid occupe une place assez particulière: elle se situe entre celles qui, favorisées par leur site et les ressources de leur arrière pays, connurent un développement harmonieux et régulier – Rome, Paris, Londres –… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • MADRID — (Magerit), capital of Spain. Mentioned as a Moorish stronghold, it was a tiny town in the Middle Ages. A small Jewish community existed there in the 11th century. Most of the Jews there were apparently merchants during the Muslim period. Nearby… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Madrid — n. p. m. Capital, provincia y comunidad autónoma de España. ⇒ Gato, madrileño, matritense. ➢ Castizo, chispero, *chulo, *majo, manolo. ➢ Saladero. ¡Adiós, Madrid! Exclamación de sobresalto, equivalente a «¡adiós!», que se profiere cuando ocurre… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Madrid — Madrid, NE U.S. village in Nebraska Population (2000): 265 Housing Units (2000): 120 Land area (2000): 0.415440 sq. miles (1.075985 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.415440 sq. miles (1.075985 sq …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Madrid [2] — Madrid (hierzu der »Stadtplan von Madrid«), Hauptstadt des Königreichs Spanien sowie der gleichnamigen Provinz (s. oben), liegt unter 40°24 nördl. Br. und 3°41 westl. L., annähernd im Mittelpunkte der Pyrenäischen Halbinsel, 650 m ü. M., in der… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Madrid — Madrid. Hat der Reisende von Frankreich aus den spanischen Boden betreten, um Madrid zu besuchen, und steht er endlich auf dem höchsten Gipfel des Guadarmagebirges, so ist es vor Allem eine weite, öde, baumlose, unangebaute Ebene, welche den… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Madrid — Madrid …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Madrid, AL — U.S. town in Alabama Population (2000): 303 Housing Units (2000): 134 Land area (2000): 1.941009 sq. miles (5.027191 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.941009 sq. miles (5.027191 sq. km) FIPS code …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Madrid, IA — U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 2264 Housing Units (2000): 975 Land area (2000): 1.150192 sq. miles (2.978983 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.150192 sq. miles (2.978983 sq. km) FIPS code:… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

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