- MacIver
/meuhk uy"veuhr, meuh kuy"-, meuh kee"-/, n.2. Robert Morrison, 1882-1970, U.S. sociologist, born in Scotland.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
MacIver — MacIver, Robert M … Dictionary of sociology
MacIver — Recorded in many forms including MacIvor, MacIver, Makiver, Maccure, and Maceur, as well as the short forms commening Mc , this is an ancient Scottish and Gaelic clan surname. It is however ultimately of Norse Viking pre 7th century origins, and… … Surnames reference
MacIver' s Motel and Camp — (Blind River,Канада) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 26060 H … Каталог отелей
MacIver, Robert Morrison — ▪ American sociologist born April 17, 1882, Stornoway, Outer Hebrides, Scot. died June 15, 1970, New York City Scottish born sociologist, political scientist, and educator who expressed belief in the compatibility of individualism and… … Universalium
MacIver, Robert M. — (1882 1970) A pioneering but neglected Scottish sociologist, who after brief scholarships at Aberdeen and Edinburgh became chair of sociology at Columbia University in New York in 1929, where he stayed until 1950. His classic textbook Society… … Dictionary of sociology
MacIver — /meuhk uy veuhr, meuh kuy , meuh kee /, n. 1. Loren, born 1909, U.S. painter. 2. Robert Morrison, 1882 1970, U.S. sociologist, born in Scotland … Useful english dictionary
MacIver, Robert M(orrison) — born April 17, 1882, Stornoway, Outer Hebrides, Scot. died June 15, 1970, New York, N.Y., U.S. Scottish born U.S. sociologist and political scientist. He taught at the University of Aberdeen and later at Canadian and U.S. universities,… … Universalium
MacIver, Robert M(orrison) — (17 abr. 1882, Stornoway, Hébridas exteriores, Escocia–15 jun. 1970, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Sociólogo y cientista político estadounidense de origen escocés. Fue docente en la Universidad de Aberdeen, Escocia, y después en universidades… … Enciclopedia Universal
Clan MacIver — Crest badge suitable for members of Clan MacIver … Wikipedia
David Randall-MacIver — Born 31 October 1873 … Wikipedia