
lusterless, adj.
/lus"teuhr/, n.
1. the state or quality of shining by reflecting light; glitter, sparkle, sheen, or gloss: the luster of satin.
2. a substance, as a coating or polish, used to impart sheen or gloss.
3. radiant or luminous brightness; brilliance; radiance.
4. radiance of beauty, excellence, merit, distinction, or glory: achievements that add luster to one's name.
5. a shining object, esp. one used for decoration, as a cut-glass pendant or ornament.
6. a chandelier, candleholder, etc., ornamented with cut-glass pendants.
7. any natural or synthetic fabric with a lustrous finish.
8. Also called metallic luster. an iridescent metallic film produced on the surface of a ceramic glaze.
9. Mineral. the nature of a mineral surface with respect to its reflective qualities: greasy luster.
10. to finish (fur, cloth, pottery, etc.) with a luster or gloss.
11. to be or become lustrous.
Also, esp. Brit., lustre.
[1515-25; < MF lustre < It lustro, deriv. of lustrare to polish, purify < L lustrare to purify ceremonially, deriv. of lustrum LUSTRUM]
Syn. 1. See polish.
Ant. 1. dullness.
/lus"teuhr/, n.
lustrum (def. 1).
Also, esp. Brit., lustre.
[1375-1425; late ME lustre < L lustrum. See LUSTRUM]
/lus"teuhr/, n.
a person who lusts: a luster after power.
[1585-95; LUST + -ER1]

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