
/looh"meuhn/, n., pl. lumens, lumina /-meuh neuh/.
1. Optics. the unit of luminous flux, equal to the luminous flux emitted in a unit solid angle by a point source of one candle intensity. Abbr.: lm
2. Anat. the canal, duct, or cavity of a tubular organ.
3. Bot. (of a cell) the cavity that the cell walls enclose.
[1870-75; < NL, special uses of L lumen (s. lumin-) light, window]

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unit of energy measurement
      unit of luminous flux, or amount of light, defined as the amount streaming outward through one steradian (a unit of solid angle, part of the volume of space illuminated by a light source) from a uniform point source having an intensity of one candela. The lumen is used in calculations regarding artificial lighting.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • lumen — lumen …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • lumen — [ lymɛn ] n. m. • 1897; mot lat. « lumière » ♦ Phys. Unité de mesure de flux lumineux (symb.lm), correspondant au flux émis dans un stéradian par une source ponctuelle uniforme située au sommet de l angle solide et ayant une intensité de 1… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • lumen — LÚMEN, (1) lumeni, s.m. (2) lumene, s.n. 1. s.m. Unitate de măsură a fluxului luminos. 2. s.n. Canal al unui organ anatomic cavitar (intestin, vas sangvin) sau al unor fibre textile. – Din fr. lumen. Trimis de ana zecheru, 20.05.2004. Sursa: DEX… …   Dicționar Român

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  • lumen — lȗmen m DEFINICIJA 1. fiz. SI izvedena jedinica svjetlosnog toka (simbol lm), svjetlosni tok točkastog izvora intenziteta jedne kandele (cd) u prostorni kut od jednog prostornog radijana (lm = cd·sr) 2. anat. prostor unutar organa cjevasta ili… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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  • lumen — m. anat. Luz de un vaso o de un conducto. Medical Dictionary. 2011. lumen Unidad de flujo …   Diccionario médico

  • lumen — unit of luminosity, 1897, coined 1894 by French physicist André Eugène Blondel (1863 1938) from L. lumen light, related to lucere to shine (see LIGHT (Cf. light) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • lumen — (Del lat. lumen, luz). m. Ópt. Unidad de flujo luminoso del Sistema Internacional, que equivale al flujo luminoso emitido por una fuente puntual uniforme situada en el vértice de un ángulo sólido de un estereorradián y cuya intensidad es una… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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