
/loo'dee ah"nah/, n.
a city in central Punjab, in N India. 401,124.

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      city, central Punjab state, northwestern India. The city stands on the former bank of the Sutlej River, 8 miles (13 km) south of its present course, and is on the Grand Trunk Road from Delhi to Amritsar at a junction of several rail lines. The city lies about 170 miles (270 km) northwest of Delhi. Founded in 1480 by members of Delhi's ruling Lodī dynasty, from which its name is derived, Ludhiana is a major agricultural market and industrial centre. The city's largest industry is hosiery manufacturing, but the production of cotton textiles, steel, and machinery and the processing of agricultural products are also economically important. Ludhiana is the site of Punjab Agricultural University (founded 1962) and a number of other colleges; a U.S. Presbyterian mission operates a medical college and a hospital in the city. The area about Ludhiana is mostly cultivated, much of it irrigated by the Sirhind Canal. The crops grown include wheat, corn (maize), cotton, and peanuts (groundnuts). Pop. (2001) 1,398,467.

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Universalium. 2010.

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