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lower apsis — /loh euhr/. See under apsis (def. 1) … Useful english dictionary
apsis — [ap′sis] n. pl. apsides [ap′sə dēz΄] [L, an arch < Gr hapsis, a fastening < haptein: see APT1] 1. that point in the elliptical orbit of the moon, a planet, etc. nearest to (lower apsis), or that farthest from (higher apsis), the… … English World dictionary
Apsis — Ap sis ([a^]p s[i^]s), n.; pl. {Apsides} ([a^]p s[i^]*d[=e]z). See {Apse}. [L. apsis, absis, Gr. apsi s, apsi^dos, a tying, fastening, the hoop of a wheel, the wheel, a bow, arch, vault, fr. a ptein to fasten.] 1. (Astron.) One of the two points… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apsis — /ap sis/, n., pl. apsides / si deez /. 1. Astron. either of two points in an eccentric orbit, one (higher apsis) farthest from the center of attraction, the other (lower apsis) nearest to the center of attraction. 2. Archit. an apse. [1595 1605;… … Universalium
apsis — /ˈæpsəs/ (say apsuhs) noun (plural apsides /æpˈsaɪdiz/ (say ap suydeez), /ˈæpsədiz/ (say apsuhdeez)) 1. Astronomy a. either of two points in an eccentric orbit, one (higher apsis) farthest from the centre of attraction, and the other (lower… …
apsis — n. (pl. sides ) Astronomy, point at which heavenly body is most or least distant from centre of attraction. ♦ higher apsis, most distant point. lower apsis, least distant point … Dictionary of difficult words
Apsis Millenni Hotel Barcelona (Barcelona) — Apsis Millenni Hotel Barcelona country: Spain, city: Barcelona (Ramblas Area) Apsis Millenni Hotel Barcelona The Apsis Millenni Hotel Barcelona is located at the lower part of the city centre, near La Rambla and the tourist area of Montjuic. The… … International hotels
Apsides — Apsis Ap sis ([a^]p s[i^]s), n.; pl. {Apsides} ([a^]p s[i^]*d[=e]z). See {Apse}. [L. apsis, absis, Gr. apsi s, apsi^dos, a tying, fastening, the hoop of a wheel, the wheel, a bow, arch, vault, fr. a ptein to fasten.] 1. (Astron.) One of the two… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ap|sis — «AP sihs», noun, plural si|des « suh deez». 1. either of two points in the elliptical orbit of a heavenly body at one of which, the lower apsis, it is nearest to, and at the other, the higher apsis, farthest from, the body or point about which it … Useful english dictionary
Kastell Iatrus — hf Kastell Krivina Alternativname Iatrus/Iatrio/Latris Limes Mösischer Limes Abschnitt Strecke 3 Datierung (Belegung) konstantinisch a) 2. Hälfte 4. Jahrhundert bis 6. Jahrhundert … Deutsch Wikipedia