- low-end
relatively cheap or inexpensive of its kind: We don't need an expensive car - a low-end model will do.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
low-end — ˈlow end adjective [only before a noun] MARKETING low end products are the cheapest available in a company s range of products, or in a market in general: • the low end PC market low end noun [singular] : • This model has been developed for the… … Financial and business terms
low end — ˈlow end adjective [only before a noun] MARKETING low end products are the cheapest available in a company s range of products, or in a market in general: • the low end PC market low end noun [singular] : • This model has been developed for the… … Financial and business terms
low-end — [lō′end′] adj. Informal 1. a) inexpensive and of a very low quality b) having only the basic features, without options or extras 2. at, of, or for the low end of a range [a low end estimate] … English World dictionary
low-end — adj [usually before noun] especially AmE relating to products or services that are less expensive and of lower quality than other products of the same type ≠ ↑high end ▪ low end desktop computers … Dictionary of contemporary English
low-end — low′ end adj. cvb inf relatively inexpensive of its kind: a low end car[/ex] … From formal English to slang
Low End — [dt. »unteres Ende«], Bezeichnung für die Eigenschaft von Geräten, Software etc., deren Qualität oder Leistungsfähigkeit eher gering ist. Damit können einerseits minderwertige Produkte gemeint sein, andererseits aber auch solche, die nicht… … Universal-Lexikon
low-end — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : of low grade low end woolens low end pelts low end glass ware 2. : manufacturing low grade goods especially of cloth a low end mill * * * ˈlow end 7 [ … Useful english dictionary
low-end — American, informal a low end product is cheaper than, and not as good as the best product of its type. You can get low end color printers that still do a good job. (always before noun) … New idioms dictionary
low-end — Lowest priced. See also TOP OF THE LINE. ► “International Business Machines Corp. plans to announce tomorrow that it is re entering the low end printer business, a market it agreed to stay out of for five years following the spinoff of its low… … American business jargon
Low End Specialists — is New York City based house music DJ/producer duo of Mac Clark and Ali Geramian. Low End Specialists have produced and remixed records for many labels such as Virgin, EMI, Astralwerks, Sanctuary Records, Yoshitoshi, Little Mountain Recordings,… … Wikipedia