
/lawr"euh luy'/; Ger. /loh"rddeuh luy'/, n.
1. a quasilegendary nymph of the Rhine who lured sailors to shipwreck on her rock by singing: a creation of Clemens Brentano in a poem of 1800.
2. a female given name.
[ < G, var. of Lurlei, cliff overlooking the Rhine, thought to be the abode of a nymph]

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Rock on the bank of the Rhine River near Sankt Goarshausen in Germany.

It produces an echo and is associated with the legend of a beautiful maiden who drowned herself over a faithless lover. She was transformed into a siren who lured fishermen to their death. Clemens Brentano claimed to have invented the essentials of the legend. Heinrich Heine's poem on the Lorelei has been set to music by more than 25 composers.

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German  Loreley, 

      large rock on the bank at a narrows of the Rhine River near Sankt Goarshausen, Ger. (Germany) The rock produces an echo and is associated with the legend of a beautiful maiden who threw herself into the Rhine in despair over a faithless lover and was transformed into a siren who lured fishermen to destruction. The essentials of the legend were claimed as his invention by German writer Clemens Brentano (Brentano, Clemens) in his novel Godwi (180002). Lorelei has been the subject of a number of literary works and songs; the poem Die Loreley by Heinrich Heine was set to music by more than 25 composers.

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