
/lawonn leuh soh nyay"/, n.
a city in and the capital of Jura, in E France. 23,292.

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      town, Jura département, Franche-Comté région, eastern France, south-southeast of Dijon. Located at 846 feet (258 metres) above sea level in the valley of the Solvan, it is surrounded by vine-clad hills. It is a pleasant spa, owing its original Roman name, Salinarius, to the local salt mines. It manufactures optical instruments, toys, and machinery and has food and beverage processors. Because Lons-le-Saunier is the major town in Jura, the service sector also is an important component of local employment. The Church of Saint-Désiré has an 11th-century crypt. On the avenue called the Promenade de la Chevalerie there is a statue by Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, the 19th-century French sculptor (who designed the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor), of Rouget de Lisle, a native of the town, who composed the French national anthem, “La Marseillaise.” The museum in the Hôtel de Ville has a collection of the composer's songs. Pop. (1999) 18,483; (2005 est.) 17,900.

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